Sorry, I should have been more clear in my question...I'm curious what cardio workouts everyone is doing while on GW and when they dose it on cardio days. I'm a CrossFitter and already know, though trials, that I can't dose right before metcons. I usually dose it at lunch because if I dose it any closer to my workouts, it artificially jacks my HR and ruins my workout. So I was just curious to what non-Xfitters were doing.
That article does nothing to bring about any new info. Just more regurgitated old info, including the debunked and flawed cancer study from a decade ago
Again even for cardio just before. Nothing says you have to even dose it for cardio only... does wonders for high volume and little rest between set days which I do a lot of.
Again even for cardio just before. Nothing says you have to even dose it for cardio only... does wonders for high volume and little rest between set days which I do a lot of.
I think you're still missing the preface of my question to the board. I was simply asking for some examples of people's cardio workouts and their respective dosing protocol if it differed from Rx'd. I was only asking for pure curiosity.
This is my 3rd SARMs-only cycle (Triple Stack) but now, I'm running MK677 in the background. I dose per the Rx'd protocol except for the GW, which I dose everyday at noon instead of right before my workouts.
I do an hour of elliptical in the morning... then i go to the gym at about 2:00 p.m. and hit 20 minutes of stairclimber along with 500 jump ropes and 4 nights a week i have intense tennis training
I do an hour of elliptical in the morning... then i go to the gym at about 2:00 p.m. and hit 20 minutes of stairclimber along with 500 jump ropes and 4 nights a week i have intense tennis training