I've been getting a lot of questions about SARMs and I'd like to address what seems to be a misunderstanding as to the results one would see from a SARMs cycle. Some of this IS speculation as I only have used SARMs in conjunction with AAS with outstanding results. My personal findings have been they can enhance endurance, vascularity and hardness when ran on an AAS cycle. I've seen it first hand. Now stand alone it seems that people have an unrealistic expectation of what SARMs do. You will not see AAS like results, you will not find yourself being the biggest mofo in the gym, but what you will find with proper administration, nutrition and exercise intensity are enhanced results, lets say 12-15% better than you would without them naturally. By naturally, I mean as a natty. To finish a cycle and be disappointed in the results is crazy as there are so many variables at play. Your nutritional discipline, training intensity, type and frequency are all factors that come into play. Many folks who seek that extra oomph, but aren't willing to pin, or are suitable candidates for AAS use still expect a miracle in a bottle. RAD-140 may mimic testosterone, but it is not exogenous testosterone... SARMs simply allow you to better utilize what is within you already, moderately increase the available levels of certain hormones and alter your ability to benefit from them. If you bust your ass, you will see a difference. My wife and my son's girlfriends mother are both running GW with great results doing cardio only. If I had any reluctance in SARMSX SARMs abilities I'd never let the wife use them. You just have to remember SARMs are not AAS and will not yield AAS like results, the benefit is in the long game much like golf, the way you approach it, address it and play it determines the results. I've seen guys put on 12 pounds of good muscle and minimal water weight in 90 days on SARMs and I've seen lackluster persons put on 6 in that same time frame. As with anything, you get out what you put in and if you're going to use SARMs you gotta remember they aren't going to do the work for you bro's/sis's. If you want AAS like results you have to use AAS, you cannot expect SARMs to perform beyond, or in league with powerful exogenous hormones. SARMs are a progressive step in your personal investment of self, know what to expect, put in the work and have realistic expectations please. Thanks- 44