That is the question of the day and the answer is HELL YES IT IS!
So many people think that AAS, SARMS, HGH, SLIN are the key... Well what I can tell you is they help, there is no doubt about that BUT drugs are not what will set you apart from the rest.
People ask me all of the time how many days a week are you in the gym? Some weeks its 6, other weeks its 4 and other weeks its 2.
The picture I am attaching NEVER EVER changes. Consistency with food is the name of this game and if anyone tells you I would call them a liar.
My macro's everyday except refeed day on Wednesday's are as follows
Calories = 4,450.8
Protein = 471.65
Carbs = 502.5
Fat = 58
So many people think that AAS, SARMS, HGH, SLIN are the key... Well what I can tell you is they help, there is no doubt about that BUT drugs are not what will set you apart from the rest.
People ask me all of the time how many days a week are you in the gym? Some weeks its 6, other weeks its 4 and other weeks its 2.
The picture I am attaching NEVER EVER changes. Consistency with food is the name of this game and if anyone tells you I would call them a liar.
My macro's everyday except refeed day on Wednesday's are as follows
Calories = 4,450.8
Protein = 471.65
Carbs = 502.5
Fat = 58