
First timer, tren+equipoise


New member
Hey man first off I appreciate the videos and information you've put in the time to share with us. My neighbor has been bodybuilding a long time and using many types of "supplements" to augment his gains. His favorite is trenbolone 100 acetate. I haven't done all that much research and he said PCT was unnecessary with this which I don't believe now. I'm 28 years old, 5 7, 137 llbs with almost no fat and not much mass. I'm looking to put on lean defined mass like yourself, especially on my abdominals. My question is what dosing routine should I use if I'm combining with equipoise boldenone undecyclenate, if at all. I heard you advise not go go right to tren, why is that? There is also test here propionate. What essentials do I need to avoid adverse effects and when do I take them(the above and my PCTs) Thank you so much for your time.
PCT UNNECESSARY ON TREN? IS HE INSANE ?!?! YOU DONT USE TREN ON A FIRST CYCYLE! You have way more natural potential, this is a case of commitment to a diet and working out when I hear 137lb and "I have no fat and no mass"
5'7 and 137 = you aren't in ANY position to use AAS.

A) You need to have a major overhaul to your diet
B) Probably training too
C) Your neighbor is a moron
D) You start your 1st cycle with testosterone ONLY
E) Testosterone is used in every AAS cycle as a starting point

Please post:

Bodyfat %
Years of training

Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (ya know; how you eat Mc Donald's and pizza every day)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest, don't write what you think we want to hear.
Others will chime in, but dude, couple things quickly:

Tren is the strongest, most anabolic steroid known to man. It's like trying to juggle chainsaws on your first day at the circus. Definitely NOT for a first timer.

Why would the strongest anabolic known to man, not require a PCT when ANY external anabolic you put in your body will, always? Your neighbour is a foolish mong so you'd do well to disregard any of his advice.

Regardless of the above and the tren, it doesn't sound like you are anywhere near ready to do any steroids. Serious permanent lifelong damage can be done by carelessly doing any of this. And they aren't magic. Unless you build up a good base with diet and training and experience, you not only won't have the knowledge to maximize your steroid use, but you'll be wasting your money and risking your health for nothing.

It's not a 'get big and lean' instantly thing. Steroid use only maximizes what you're doing at the gym and in the kitchen. Makes it work better than is humanly possible. Is only supposed to be used when your diet and training is so fucking on point that your hormonal functioning becomes the weakest link holding you back and you can't gain anymore. You're nowhere near that.

If you're not putting in the effort, there's nothing to make better. Steroids maximize hard work. They don't replace it.
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Stop listening to your neighbor. Clearly he has no idea what he is doing and hes misleading you in a bad way. To be absolutely honest, 5'7" and 137 lbs is very undersized. Its clear that you don't have a good grasp on nutrition and training which is the basis of everything. You cant expect any keepable results from anything you take whether its supplements, sarms, aas, etc if you don't have the basics down. My advice, seriously focus on getting proper nutrition and commit to a training program. You can easily add 30 to 40+ lbs and still have abs if you just put in your dues. Steroids are not the answer for you right now bud. They should be used to take yourself to the next level, not as a shortcut.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5
137lbs GEESH how about eating some food. And ur neighbor is a idiot

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I think I lost some brain cells reading this. If you have been watching Dylan for as long as we have you would know right away that everything in this post is a bad idea. Train naturally and get some mass on your body and learn how to grow without steroids. Once you've learned how to grow and paid your dues then come back and figure out your first cycle.
I think I lost some brain cells reading this. If you have been watching Dylan for as long as we have you would know right away that everything in this post is a bad idea. Train naturally and get some mass on your body and learn how to grow without steroids. Once you've learned how to grow and paid your dues then come back and figure out your first cycle.

absolutely right bro... i never understand that... how one can say they have watched when i stress the exact opposite of what they bring to question... i stopped trying to figure it out...
Hey man first off I appreciate the videos and information you've put in the time to share with us. My neighbor has been bodybuilding a long time and using many types of "supplements" to augment his gains. His favorite is trenbolone 100 acetate. I haven't done all that much research and he said PCT was unnecessary with this which I don't believe now. I'm 28 years old, 5 7, 137 llbs with almost no fat and not much mass. I'm looking to put on lean defined mass like yourself, especially on my abdominals. My question is what dosing routine should I use if I'm combining with equipoise boldenone undecyclenate, if at all. I heard you advise not go go right to tren, why is that? There is also test here propionate. What essentials do I need to avoid adverse effects and when do I take them(the above and my PCTs) Thank you so much for your time.

why? well... let me tell you why... tren is one of the harshest and strongest side effects you can use... do YOU think its a wise idea to introduce your body to an outside stimulus, that is the strongest of its kind? do you really think that's a good idea when you dont have a clue how you even respond to testosterone... how do you gauge how high to run test to keep the tren to test, prolactin to estrogen ratios when you have no clue how you even respond to test?? what if your body does not respond well to just test or starts to give you issues with other compounds? you would not have a clue and then you run tren, which is hard enough on your body when you have experience, and you will experience sides, but how would you know if you could any sort of dose of anything when you have not tried anything else.. so you run tren wrong then and over do it? you will be wrecked... you running tren on a first cycle is flat out reckless and this is the type of action that gives steroids a bad name.. you start out with test only on a first cycle but until your ready, which you are not at all... your so far undersized... you can't use steroids being that undersized man... you will be a constant injury... just a mess... you will put far too much strain on your body since it is so undersized and it will cause problems with ligaments, tendons and bones which leads to constant injuries... you wont ever be the same... there are other options at this point but definitely not steroids...
Brother you are in no way, shape, or form ready for any steroid.....especially trenbolone. It is one of the most harsh steroids there is with the most sides and not ANYHING for anyone to mess with that isn't advanced.

You are very undersized, and need to learn how to eat and train for growth. You haven't paid your dues or done anything to build a foundation to this point. The most I can recommend to you is a sarms stack, which I'd be happy to set up for you, but first and foremost you need to get your diet down. There's obviouos holes there
Others will chime in, but dude, couple things quickly:

Tren is the strongest, most anabolic steroid known to man. It's like trying to juggle chainsaws on your first day at the circus. Definitely NOT for a first timer.

Why would the strongest anabolic known to man, not require a PCT when ANY external anabolic you put in your body will, always? Your neighbour is a foolish mong so you'd do well to disregard any of his advice.

Regardless of the above and the tren, it doesn't sound like you are anywhere near ready to do any steroids. Serious permanent lifelong damage can be done by carelessly doing any of this. And they aren't magic. Unless you build up a good base with diet and training and experience, you not only won't have the knowledge to maximize your steroid use, but you'll be wasting your money and risking your health for nothing.

It's not a 'get big and lean' instantly thing. Steroid use only maximizes what you're doing at the gym and in the kitchen. Makes it work better than is humanly possible. Is only supposed to be used when your diet and training is so fucking on point that your hormonal functioning becomes the weakest link holding you back and you can't gain anymore. You're nowhere near that.

If you're not putting in the effort, there's nothing to make better. Steroids maximize hard work. They don't replace it.

This here is golden!!! Juggling chainsaws made me lol
5'7 and 137 = you aren't in ANY position to use AAS.

A) You need to have a major overhaul to your diet
B) Probably training too
C) Your neighbor is a moron
D) You start your 1st cycle with testosterone ONLY
E) Testosterone is used in every AAS cycle as a starting point

Please post:

Bodyfat %
Years of training

Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (ya know; how you eat Mc Donald's and pizza every day)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest, don't write what you think we want to hear.

This^^ don't even think about PEDs right now. Your neighbor is an idiot.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
Code JS5 for 5% off
Some guy at the guy at the gym told me...

Some guy on my block told me...
I know you're looking at your neighbor thinking to yourself 'Shit he looks like he knows what he's doing so I'm rollin with him' after hearing what you don't wanna hear so roughly, but seriously man put some time in on the iron learn the nuances of real lifting/training and nutrition; build a better base to build upon before you fuck with gear. This is the harsh reality of it and in all honesty if you were dumb enough to ignore our warnings you will grow in size, you will be impressed in your mind. Problem is you will have sides, you will shut down, you will lose anything you gain and you will end up much worse off. Gain 20 pounds of quality muscle then get at us for non-AAS options. Wet your feet before you dive in the pool bro.
Thanks for all the great info guys, I will try to give you the best description of what I've been doing, eating, and for how long. I've not done tren except one shot at completely different times of the year so I am hoping that won't cause any shutdowns just yet? I am making sure we will have the proper PCT and stackers. What is the main stack I should use if and when I do begin a test cycle to keep myself away from the bad sides? HCG and or Sustanon?

Ok so I have been training off and on at a mid intensity for about 3 years but not a solid 3. I have as a result gained a good lean definition and have almost no fat, I am not sure my % but it may be around 7-8. I prefer eating pastas, fruits, advocados, a lot of sandwich meats, somtimes sausages, cheeses, and cereal. I avoid sweets and too much sugar, and all processed foods. I am trying to get more food in the house because I am used to only having just enough around. I have been known to eat sparsely trying to keep thin in almost an anorexic fashion but I don't believe I have any body dysmorphia. I'm wondering how many calories I should be taking in if I get back to hitting it 5 days a week again. I think my dieting is definitely holding me back and is something I need to address. Chest has been the last thing for me to pay attention to and even though I've done a lot of biking last year I almost never do lower body workouts. What do you guys recommend? I am looking at this workout.. 871v0L72Picture of me 14.jpg2013-04-21 00.30.54.jpg
Surely this is a troll... ?

You anorexically eat just sparsely to try stay thin, but wanted to run tren?

One of your pics is dated 2013...

The only thing you need to stack is a fork into a mound of chicken and brown rice.

Bench Press
Overhead Press
Barbell Row

Pick up something heavy and move it to a different position

Very simple
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