
First time Steroid user prep


New member
Before I start with my question, I just wanted to say that your videos are an absolute help. you are a legend and one of the most helpful people I have ever come across on the internet.

So Me and my gym partner (both males) have never done any form of steroids before and we are wanting to do a 8 week cycle of Anavar and Ostarine ( I know this one is a SARM) followed by a PCT (might continue Ostarine during pct in low doses) . We are pussies in terms of not wanting to do the needle in the ass with other roids, so just something to keep in mind. Our program is weight training 5 days a week with 6 meals a day consisting of protein, healthy carbs and veggies (no carbs before bed time and not a very high calory diet but around average for muscle gain and weight loss at the same time). Program is rotating between upper and then lower (every second upper and lower day is different muscles with many super sets in between e.g. chest then back with no rest in between). So my question is; is taking Anavar and Ostarine the right way for us to go? (PCT will follow as we understand its importance). We both currently weigh around 80kg, im with around 20% body fat and my partner is around 15%. We are also unsure about the doses of each
Take a step back bud. 20% is too high of a bf% to touch aas. What's your age, height, and how long have you been training? I'll be completely honest with you right now. Oral cycles are shit. If you're scared of pinning, either get over it or aas isn't for you. Sarms, on the other hand, are a great alternative. To me, it sounds like what you need however is to focus on your diet and training. If you are 176lbs at 20% bf, I know your diet needs improvement. You can't depend on the gear to get you results. You need to have that foundation of training and nutrition built. Take a look at this thread, you and your friend could benefit:

Let's hear those other stats and we'll go from there.
Before I start with my question, I just wanted to say that your videos are an absolute help. you are a legend and one of the most helpful people I have ever come across on the internet.

So Me and my gym partner (both males) have never done any form of steroids before and we are wanting to do a 8 week cycle of Anavar and Ostarine ( I know this one is a SARM) followed by a PCT (might continue Ostarine during pct in low doses) . We are pussies in terms of not wanting to do the needle in the ass with other roids, so just something to keep in mind. Our program is weight training 5 days a week with 6 meals a day consisting of protein, healthy carbs and veggies (no carbs before bed time and not a very high calory diet but around average for muscle gain and weight loss at the same time). Program is rotating between upper and then lower (every second upper and lower day is different muscles with many super sets in between e.g. chest then back with no rest in between). So my question is; is taking Anavar and Ostarine the right way for us to go? (PCT will follow as we understand its importance). We both currently weigh around 80kg, im with around 20% body fat and my partner is around 15%. We are also unsure about the doses of each

hey bro... im happy to help and thank you for the compliments... okay, this may not be the answer your wanting but its the honest truth...

1. your body fat is way too high for steroids... you need to be well below 15% to even consider it...

2. oral only cycles are the stupidest ass cycles known to man and the biggest waste of time and money

3. anavar sucks ass

4. neither one of you should be using steroids at this point, especially if your not wanting to pin... its just not for you...


So, SARMS would be more than ideal for you but i need to stats for both as well as specific goals... age/height/weight/body fat?? let me know and i'll set up a bad ass cycle for you
Il get the accurate measurements then post back once I have them. The stats given were not too accurate. Our ages are 21 and 22 this year.
At your ages, no one here will recommend using aas. Your hpta and endocrine systems have not fully developed so you risk permanant shutdown among other issues. Sarms are going to be the best option. Once you get us those stats, we'll get you setup properly.

Sent from my SM-G900P
You are definitely both too young for steroids brother, and you also are not in the right kind of shape. I would recommend going with a good sarms stack that can and will help you add strength and lean mass, while losing bodyfat and increasing endurance....provided you have the right diet to go with it.

Here is the layout I recommend from

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
You're too young for any AAS. Here's my layout for you guys:
1. 20 weeks of 8oz chicken/tuna/turkey/beef 4x day
2. 20 weeks of multiple cups of veggies a day
3. 20 weeks of 2 cups rice 2x a day
4. 20 weeks of protein shake 2x a day
5. 20 weeks of 1.5 gallons of water a day
6. 20 weeks of hard training and pushing it beyond your limits.
If you can't do that naturally, you can't do that chemically.
You're too young for any AAS. Here's my layout for you guys:
1. 20 weeks of 8oz chicken/tuna/turkey/beef 4x day
2. 20 weeks of multiple cups of veggies a day
3. 20 weeks of 2 cups rice 2x a day
4. 20 weeks of protein shake 2x a day
5. 20 weeks of 1.5 gallons of water a day
6. 20 weeks of hard training and pushing it beyond your limits.
If you can't do that naturally, you can't do that chemically.

Screw that! That is too hard to follow. I rather take some var!!
Get diet and training on point for at least 3 more years before even considering aas. Also, get your bf down closer to the 12% range.
Not trying to highjack this dudes thread but I have a question about the body fat suggestions. Is it that more body fat = more aromatization to estrogen? Whats the recommended BF to weight. At 195 lbs / 15% BF, is it worth leaning out to 12% before a blast?
You're too young for any AAS. Here's my layout for you guys:
1. 20 weeks of 8oz chicken/tuna/turkey/beef 4x day
2. 20 weeks of multiple cups of veggies a day
3. 20 weeks of 2 cups rice 2x a day
4. 20 weeks of protein shake 2x a day
5. 20 weeks of 1.5 gallons of water a day
6. 20 weeks of hard training and pushing it beyond your limits.
If you can't do that naturally, you can't do that chemically.

This right here. Plus Sarms and you will see great results.
Not trying to highjack this dudes thread but I have a question about the body fat suggestions. Is it that more body fat = more aromatization to estrogen? Whats the recommended BF to weight. At 195 lbs / 15% BF, is it worth leaning out to 12% before a blast?

Yes, there is more aromatization to estrogen when your bodyfat is higher. There is also more of a strain on things like lipids, cholesterol, blood pressure, that is why the leaner you are to start a cycle, the better. 15% is generally the max advised, but I'd much rather see someone at no more than 12% myself

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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