
first steroid cycle after 10 yrs of natural training


New member
Thank you for your Videos bro, you are an inspiration to us all!!!

I have been lifting weights for almost 10 years my genetics will only allow me to get but so big I already have a little size to me. I have no family history medical problems and I don't like not knowing what people are sending in these UGl made stuff me and I have to get the needle separately so I am not fond of the idea of shooting up to be honest. What would you recommend for a first time cycle to get mass gains and where would you recommend me to order from to get a clean quality product?

If I can do oral only that would be great, if I have to shoot then I will need to find a very trusted place so I can have faith my bottles are legitimate and clean.
I would advise you to either look into a SARMS stack for a first cycle, but if your set on running your first AAS cycle I would advise you to run 250-350 my a week of test Cyp for 10-12 weeks followed by a 4 week PCT protocol. All sources on these forums will be great choices
Roids24 carries pharma grade products. He's a reseller with top shelf products. I order from his radjay line he has. Still currently waiting but should be here soon!

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My first cycle was with phurious and I enjoyed it. Gpz services sell needles and syringes

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If you're considering AAS, I'll tell you right now bud, you have to get over pinning or forget about it all. Syringes/Pins are easy to get. All the sources on this board are solid in regards to gear. Otherwise they wouldn't be here. That's great you've been training for 10 years naturally. Too many people jump on too soon. What are your stats? Age, Height, Weight, BF%. That is all important info. Generally a Test only cycle is recommended for your first go. If you are reluctant to pin, then my advice is to get your feet wet with a nice SARMs cycle while you spend time researching and learning more about AAS, cycle layout, AI, PCT, etc.
First and foremost you should look into doing a sarms stack. It's a great way to introduce yourself into the world of anabolics, and not have to worry about pinning, bad side effects, or extreme shutdown from steroids.

Since you are looking for primarily mass gains, I'll set you up a very nice cycle for that

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout… p
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 MK-677 25mg per day dosed once in the AM


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
Rick is nolva not needed for a sarms cycle like that?

I'm new to sarms and just started a ostarine cycle, but want to plan a mass gains cycle next. Thanks for the info.
Rick is nolva not needed for a sarms cycle like that?

I'm new to sarms and just started a ostarine cycle, but want to plan a mass gains cycle next. Thanks for the info.
We normally recommend clomid with GW as PCT after a sarms stack. Nolva is also acceptable to use in place of clomid if someone prefers it, but I would choose clomid over it.

During an AAS cycle pct I recommend both, but it's not necessary to use both after sarms
Thank you for your Videos bro, you are an inspiration to us all!!!

I have been lifting weights for almost 10 years my genetics will only allow me to get but so big I already have a little size to me. I have no family history medical problems and I don't like not knowing what people are sending in these UGl made stuff me and I have to get the needle separately so I am not fond of the idea of shooting up to be honest. What would you recommend for a first time cycle to get mass gains and where would you recommend me to order from to get a clean quality product?

If I can do oral only that would be great, if I have to shoot then I will need to find a very trusted place so I can have faith my bottles are legitimate and clean.

For a first time I would recommend going with SARMS. If you have been training for 10 years without any PED's, you are definitely a patient man, so it should not be a problem for you to go gradually with the PEDs. While SARMS may not be as powerful as steroids are, they are much safer and don't cause any side effects at all. Besides, they do not require injections either, and are legal to buy. Therefore, they would be a very good way of getting you introduced into the cycling of PEDs, and getting in the best shape possible before jumping into the AAS game.

If you absolutely want to go with steroids, I would not suggest you to go only with orals, as the results will be much less sustainable. You will at least need a testosterone base to keep more of the gains made on cycle. For good sources, you can go to the source section, where you will find detailed information about the different suppliers, and feedback from their customers. After spending a bit of time there, I am sure that you will have no problems with making an informed decision.
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