
First SARMs Cycle Suggestions?


New member
Hi guys,

I'm looking into taking SARMS for the first time. Just some quick background on myself... I'm 25 y/o, 5'9, ~200 lbs, between 12-13% bodyfat. I was a competitive collegiate swimmer and fell in love with lifting after my competing days were over. I've been lifting consistently for about 4 years and now hitting some plateaus on my lifts. I do eat clean and about 250g of protein with 3000 calories a day (on average give or take). Also thinking about competing in bodybuilding in the near future. What would you recommend for my first SARMs cycle? I'm looking to put on lean mass. Because this is my first time and I'm testing the waters I'm not looking to spend 600+ dollars on this stuff as of yet. I was thinking LDG 4033 and stacking it with something else? Let me know what you guys think.

Also, when I was younger I took growth hormone because my test levels were low and my height severely suffered. I believe as a result I started getting a lot of back acne. I ended up taking accutane about 4-5 years later in high school. Just wondering if my past medical history would play a factor when taking SARMs and it would trigger my back acne again?

Thanks so much for reading and your help!!
Hi guys,

I'm looking into taking SARMS for the first time. Just some quick background on myself... I'm 25 y/o, 5'9, ~200 lbs, between 12-13% bodyfat. I was a competitive collegiate swimmer and fell in love with lifting after my competing days were over. I've been lifting consistently for about 4 years and now hitting some plateaus on my lifts. I do eat clean and about 250g of protein with 3000 calories a day (on average give or take). Also thinking about competing in bodybuilding in the near future. What would you recommend for my first SARMs cycle? I'm looking to put on lean mass. Because this is my first time and I'm testing the waters I'm not looking to spend 600+ dollars on this stuff as of yet. I was thinking LDG 4033 and stacking it with something else? Let me know what you guys think.

Also, when I was younger I took growth hormone because my test levels were low and my height severely suffered. I believe as a result I started getting a lot of back acne. I ended up taking accutane about 4-5 years later in high school. Just wondering if my past medical history would play a factor when taking SARMs and it would trigger my back acne again?

Thanks so much for reading and your help!!

If you want to keep it simple and cost effective for your first run, I'd go with this for your goals of adding mass and size

Make sure to get everything from

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 RAD-140 20mg per day dosed in the am


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
Hi guys,

I'm looking into taking SARMS for the first time. Just some quick background on myself... I'm 25 y/o, 5'9, ~200 lbs, between 12-13% bodyfat. I was a competitive collegiate swimmer and fell in love with lifting after my competing days were over. I've been lifting consistently for about 4 years and now hitting some plateaus on my lifts. I do eat clean and about 250g of protein with 3000 calories a day (on average give or take). Also thinking about competing in bodybuilding in the near future. What would you recommend for my first SARMs cycle? I'm looking to put on lean mass. Because this is my first time and I'm testing the waters I'm not looking to spend 600+ dollars on this stuff as of yet. I was thinking LDG 4033 and stacking it with something else? Let me know what you guys think.

Also, when I was younger I took growth hormone because my test levels were low and my height severely suffered. I believe as a result I started getting a lot of back acne. I ended up taking accutane about 4-5 years later in high school. Just wondering if my past medical history would play a factor when taking SARMs and it would trigger my back acne again?

Thanks so much for reading and your help!!

hey bro, im absolutely with rick on this one... lgd and rad is the perfect combination for you... if you really want to make it even stronger then adding mk677 would be extremely ideal... i know you want to keep it simple your first time through and rick gave you a strong option for that... here is another option to look at... you can get everything at

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
hey bro, im absolutely with rick on this one... lgd and rad is the perfect combination for you... if you really want to make it even stronger then adding mk677 would be extremely ideal... i know you want to keep it simple your first time through and rick gave you a strong option for that... here is another option to look at... you can get everything at

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

I know that RAD140 and LDG-4033 have been known to cause slight/mild suppression. I will obviously be following that PCT stack you suggested. But my question is... in order to combat this could I also add in a OCT to help so my natural test levels won't be affected as much? Thanks for the replies guys!
I know that RAD140 and LDG-4033 have been known to cause slight/mild suppression. I will obviously be following that PCT stack you suggested. But my question is... in order to combat this could I also add in a OCT to help so my natural test levels won't be affected as much? Thanks for the replies guys!

while its not necessary, you absolutely can bro...
I know that RAD140 and LDG-4033 have been known to cause slight/mild suppression. I will obviously be following that PCT stack you suggested. But my question is... in order to combat this could I also add in a OCT to help so my natural test levels won't be affected as much? Thanks for the replies guys!

That's entire.y up to you, but you absolutely can if you choose to. There's nothing wrong with that
I know that RAD140 and LDG-4033 have been known to cause slight/mild suppression. I will obviously be following that PCT stack you suggested. But my question is... in order to combat this could I also add in a OCT to help so my natural test levels won't be affected as much? Thanks for the replies guys!

I got a fair amount of suppression from my stack (gw, osta, rad, lgd), so I added clomid @20mg daily during my cycle and it helped a lot. My pct will have clomid and nolva, as well as gw. But I wouldnt add the clomid unless you really get a fairly severe suppression (mine was 50%). I seem to be very sides prone with sarms...
I got a fair amount of suppression from my stack (gw, osta, rad, lgd), so I added clomid @20mg daily during my cycle and it helped a lot. My pct will have clomid and nolva, as well as gw. But I wouldnt add the clomid unless you really get a fairly severe suppression (mine was 50%). I seem to be very sides prone with sarms...

How did you know that you were getting severe suppression? Did your bloodwork just come back and it was 50% less than normal? I actually ended up going with the triple stack for 8 weeks (I know most suggest 12 weeks but I have money restraints and I've never used sarms before). So I'll only be on mk2866 which is apparently more mild suppression compared to ldg and rad140.
I got a fair amount of suppression from my stack (gw, osta, rad, lgd), so I added clomid @20mg daily during my cycle and it helped a lot. My pct will have clomid and nolva, as well as gw. But I wouldnt add the clomid unless you really get a fairly severe suppression (mine was 50%). I seem to be very sides prone with sarms...

How did you know you were suffering from suppression? Did your bloodwork mid cycle come back and it dropped 50%? I also ended up purchasing the triple stack for 8 weeks (I know most suggest 12 weeks but I have money restraints and its my first time using sarms) So I won't be on ldg and rad140. I heard that ostarine is more mild compared to ldg and rad140
How did you know that you were getting severe suppression? Did your bloodwork just come back and it was 50% less than normal? I actually ended up going with the triple stack for 8 weeks (I know most suggest 12 weeks but I have money restraints and I've never used sarms before). So I'll only be on mk2866 which is apparently more mild suppression compared to ldg and rad140.

one thing to keep in mind.. everyone reacts to things in their own way and that could be for a million reasons... general rule of thumb is suppression is minimal however, like with anything else, there are always exceptions... bloodwork tells all and its important to get pre, mid and post readings... also, 12 weeks is the optimal cycle but ease into it and see how things are going after 6 weeks and decide to add to it if you can...
How did you know you were suffering from suppression? Did your bloodwork mid cycle come back and it dropped 50%? I also ended up purchasing the triple stack for 8 weeks (I know most suggest 12 weeks but I have money restraints and its my first time using sarms) So I won't be on ldg and rad140. I heard that ostarine is more mild compared to ldg and rad140

my blood work and the fact I felt like shit.

While I understand the money issue, and my cycle was awful god damned expensive, but if you are going to do it you go big, or go home. You wont be nearly as happy otherwise.
I packed on almost 12 pds of muscle. Sarms are really designed to be stacked. Cherry picking gives less results. Out of my stack, if I was to drop anything, I'd drop osta.
my blood work and the fact I felt like shit.

While I understand the money issue, and my cycle was awful god damned expensive, but if you are going to do it you go big, or go home. You wont be nearly as happy otherwise.
I packed on almost 12 pds of muscle. Sarms are really designed to be stacked. Cherry picking gives less results. Out of my stack, if I was to drop anything, I'd drop osta.

well said brother!
my blood work and the fact I felt like shit.

While I understand the money issue, and my cycle was awful god damned expensive, but if you are going to do it you go big, or go home. You wont be nearly as happy otherwise.
I packed on almost 12 pds of muscle. Sarms are really designed to be stacked. Cherry picking gives less results. Out of my stack, if I was to drop anything, I'd drop osta.

Thanks for the responses man. Does my order from sarmsx come with an oral syringe to measure the amounts of mg needed for each day? Sorry for the noob questions haha
Thanks for the responses man. Does my order from sarmsx come with an oral syringe to measure the amounts of mg needed for each day? Sorry for the noob questions haha

the droppers are marked bro... you have it all right there when it comes...
my blood work and the fact I felt like shit.

While I understand the money issue, and my cycle was awful god damned expensive, but if you are going to do it you go big, or go home. You wont be nearly as happy otherwise.
I packed on almost 12 pds of muscle. Sarms are really designed to be stacked. Cherry picking gives less results. Out of my stack, if I was to drop anything, I'd drop osta.

Why drop the osta? If you stacked them, osta could have been the best sarm in the stack. It's probably hard to tell doing them all at once I would assume.
Hey no trying to jack your thread but I have a bottle of s4 and I don't see any particles floating around in it. Does that mean it's underdosed or bunk?
Why drop the osta? If you stacked them, osta could have been the best sarm in the stack. It's probably hard to tell doing them all at once I would assume.

the beauty of sarms is while they carry many of the same qualities, each has its own standout quality as well and you can absolutely decipher which is doing what... i agree with you though, osta is not something to drop.. its the most versatile sarm of them all and has so many different qualities, its definitely something you want to be the backbone of your stack
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