
First SARMS Cycle Results from Newb


New member
I'm on week 5 of my first cycle of LGD-4033 and S4 and I'm impressed!

At 44 years old I never thought I'd really be able to significantly improve my strength and physique without supplemental test.

My lifts have improved along with my endurance. I'm working out hard when I'm at the gym, but I'm not living there by any means. Lifting 3-4 times weekly for no more than 90 minutes, sometimes only an hour. I also do weekly HIIT cardio running in our local redwood forest - 1 minute at 90% max effort followed by 2 minutes of walking, cycled 10X followed by a 1/2 mile cool down jog.

So far I've added 8 pounds and my shirts fit tighter around my arms and chest, my jeans are snug around my thighs, but I haven't had to add any notches to my belt! I'm under no illusions that it's all lean muscle (body fat jumped by a percentage point), but I'm getting vascularity where I've never seen it before, too.

My wife is stoked and I'm definitely getting more attention from women at the grocery store and soccer games.

Dylan and Rick, you guys have been awesome answering questions and helping out with advice. Thank you. I'm excited to see what more I can achieve.
I'm on week 5 of my first cycle of LGD-4033 and S4 and I'm impressed!

At 44 years old I never thought I'd really be able to significantly improve my strength and physique without supplemental test.

My lifts have improved along with my endurance. I'm working out hard when I'm at the gym, but I'm not living there by any means. Lifting 3-4 times weekly for no more than 90 minutes, sometimes only an hour. I also do weekly HIIT cardio running in our local redwood forest - 1 minute at 90% max effort followed by 2 minutes of walking, cycled 10X followed by a 1/2 mile cool down jog.

So far I've added 8 pounds and my shirts fit tighter around my arms and chest, my jeans are snug around my thighs, but I haven't had to add any notches to my belt! I'm under no illusions that it's all lean muscle (body fat jumped by a percentage point), but I'm getting vascularity where I've never seen it before, too.

My wife is stoked and I'm definitely getting more attention from women at the grocery store and soccer games.

Dylan and Rick, you guys have been awesome answering questions and helping out with advice. Thank you. I'm excited to see what more I can achieve.
Thank you for the feedback bro, and I'm glad to help!

I'm happy everything is going so well for you!
good for you, congrats for the progress. About to embark on a similar journey with SARMS, looking forward to sharing results :)
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