I have recently just started trying Rad 140. This is my first sarm I have ever tried and still very sceptical about them. I have started dosing at 10mg just a few hours before I work out. I already want to start taking 20 - 25 (recommended dose) but I am wondering if I just take all 20mg in the morning or do I take 10 in the morning and 10 at night? No where that I have read about them has told me about proper dose times. Please help
1. How long should a cycle of 20mg last? 8 weeks or 12 weeks?
2. When do I take doses? All in the morning or split between day?
3. Do I need a PCT afterwards?
1. How long should a cycle of 20mg last? 8 weeks or 12 weeks?
2. When do I take doses? All in the morning or split between day?
3. Do I need a PCT afterwards?
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