
First post For my TRT away from the joke of a medical industry.

and of course you exactly made one of my points, something is wrong.

Hey buddy, lets try to stay positive, and only give helpful feed back. Instead of just critiquing, with out any help. Your try and post some constructive criticism. "Something maybe wrong" "try this". Or maybe this. Or just don't post, cause then u seem very standoffish! Thanks!
Question ? what should be the dosage for someone on TRT?

For TRT, usually a one shot of Test. C or E. somewhere between 100mg-150mg. Absolutely no reason to take 2 shots per week on TRT, unless you are running a short ester. 2 shots per week, for the rest of your life, is generally not preferred nor sustainable. Some people do, but maybe 1 out of every 100 so it is not the norm for TRT. Generally, 2 shots per week is for people running a cycle to 1.) Lower injection oil volume per shot 2.) Provide stable levels.
For TRT, usually a one shot of Test. C or E. somewhere between 100mg-150mg. Absolutely no reason to take 2 shots per week on TRT, unless you are running a short ester. 2 shots per week, for the rest of your life, is generally not preferred nor sustainable. Some people do, but maybe 1 out of every 100 so it is not the norm for TRT. Generally, 2 shots per week is for people running a cycle to 1.) Lower injection oil volume per shot 2.) Provide stable levels.[/QUOTE

You sure about that? Lots of people stay more stable and feel better with more frequent injections. I know a handful of people on doctor monitored trt and not one of them were stable with one shot per week and were still well below "normal" range on injection day. I don't believe thats a coincidence!
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Nowhere in my post did I specify injection frequency, its a weekly total.

Except that injection frequency is very important and can also determine how much "weekly total" is actually needed. The lucky ones can get away with one injection per week.
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