New member
Hello people I'm 18 years old 5'9 and weigh in at about 175 lbs. My dream weight after this cycle is 210 lbs shredded 7-8 percent bf. My first oral cycle was about a year ago and I used anavar for 6 weeks and went from 150-175 lbs , that being said I want to hop on again for 12 weeks, but this time I need something that I will gain 30 lbs off of but still keep an aesthetic physique. was thinking of running aromasin or adex from start of cycle till I start pct( not sure about dosages ) I was thinking week 1-6 run test prop 500 mg a week. After 6 weeks I will run test prop 500mg a week with 60mg of anavar ed for 6 weeks. Pct I wanted to take hcg a week after my last shot ,1000 iu's with 50 mg of clomid and or nolva for 3 months . thoughts? Maybe throw in some master on with my var ?