
First Cycle


New member
Hello Dylan.

Ive been wanting to do my first cycle for a while and ive ordered my first cycle.
I came across your videos and i see u know what your talking about.
I ordered from a website and it said it was a "beginners starters pack" but i know now its not actually "beginners".
I know you say 1ste cycle only start with TEST but ive allready ordered it and i will stick with it.

This is what im getting:

- Test E 250ml x10
- Masteron E 200ml x10
-Turinabol 100 tabs, 10mg/tab
-Winstrol 100 tabs, 10mg/tab
- nolvadex 100 tabs 10mg tabs
- Clomid 100 tabs 25 mg/tab

Now my question is how would I do this cycle? when does the winstrol kick in? do i use test from week 1? how many mg?when do i start with what exactly..

Also i am new with injecting.. now i have no problem with sticking a needle in myself but of course it has to be done right.. so any tips on this I would really appreciate it.

But if you see these package.. how would you go about it?

I am 28 yrs old been training for 8 years.
I am 1.77m, 76kilos and little under 10% bodyfat.

I would really appreciate your answer,
Dude sorry but u have no idea how to use aas. And that stack u bought is fuckin useless. What are you going to do with 1 bottle of test? Ur asking when to start everything. Have you not ever read anything on aas, or how to use them properly? I'll answer my question no you never have. How can you say that you watch the videos and understand that what you bought is very wrong but ur saying fuck it I'm gonna do it anyway? Unbelievable

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First off, if you came here for advice you should be open to ALL advice, not just what you want to hear. I'm not gonna spend too much time on this till you respond but I'll tell you that you will regret running all that as a first cycle. Your best bet is to save/sell everything except your test, AI and serms and run a test only cycle. Take it from experience talking here. There's plenty of time later in life as you continue for all of that.

What you have is some steroids. What you need is a properly laid out cycle. I don't know enough details to truly lay out the best cycle for you, but if you tell me more about your history, stats and goals I would be happy to lay out a proper cycle that you will actually benefit and recover from, as well as put you with a quality, reliable supplier. ...So, let's talk. Before you screw up here bro.

Edit: wow, your stack doesn't even have an AI. Respond here and I'll help you get things set up correctly. Trust me, you need the help and I'm glad to give it.
Now my question is how would I do this cycle?

Here is EXACTLY how you run this cycle

wk1-12 Test E 250mg

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put the rest away until you have run 3 or 4 cycles

Masteron E
- Winstrol
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Yep^^^ of course it needs more support and pct as well, but like I say, respond and I'll lay it all out for you and get you with a quality lab. Junk that crap you have now bud. At least store it away. It'll last a long time in a dark box in your closet.
Hello Dylan.

Ive been wanting to do my first cycle for a while and ive ordered my first cycle.
I came across your videos and i see u know what your talking about.
I ordered from a website and it said it was a "beginners starters pack" but i know now its not actually "beginners".
I know you say 1ste cycle only start with TEST but ive allready ordered it and i will stick with it.

This is what im getting:

- Test E 250ml x10
- Masteron E 200ml x10
-Turinabol 100 tabs, 10mg/tab
-Winstrol 100 tabs, 10mg/tab
- nolvadex 100 tabs 10mg tabs
- Clomid 100 tabs 25 mg/tab

Now my question is how would I do this cycle? when does the winstrol kick in? do i use test from week 1? how many mg?when do i start with what exactly..

Also i am new with injecting.. now i have no problem with sticking a needle in myself but of course it has to be done right.. so any tips on this I would really appreciate it.

But if you see these package.. how would you go about it?

I am 28 yrs old been training for 8 years.
I am 1.77m, 76kilos and little under 10% bodyfat.

I would really appreciate your answer,

let me ask you something... if you know this is not truly a starter stack (which its a million fucking miles from) and you also know that i have said to never to anything like this on a first cycle, why on earth would you come here and straight INSULT me and also everyone who has read this by saying what you said... "well, i know i shouldn't do this etc..." are you serious man? do you realize that you are insulting me by that? that's throwing it in my face after i try to help and YOU KNOW that what your doing is wrong... if you want to get serious, then i'll help but there's no way on the planet im advising a thing on that "starter pack" whatsoever...
Not much else needs to be said man. Listen. Thats not a beginner "stack". Saying "I've already ordered it so I'm just going to run it" is stupid logic. For one, you definitely need to do more research. Educate yourself before putting this stuff in your body. Your first cycle should be test only. Youre literally asking for problems running 4 different compounds for the first time. How would you ever isolate sides or issues you come across if everything is new? You cant. Cmon bro.. whats the rush? Take a step back and do this the right way.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Here is EXACTLY how you run this cycle

wk1-12 Test E 250mg

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put the rest away until you have run 3 or 4 cycles

Masteron E
- Winstrol


and OP; these are questions MUCH better asked before you start parting with cash....
Here is EXACTLY how you run this cycle

wk1-12 Test E 250mg

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put the rest away until you have run 3 or 4 cycles

Masteron E
- Winstrol
And THIS is EXACTLY what you should be doing for your first cycle. Save all that other aas. If you want to add anything to the cycle add in some sarms

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Here is EXACTLY how you run this cycle

wk1-12 Test E 250mg

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put the rest away until you have run 3 or 4 cycles

Masteron E
- Winstrol
The only thing you might add is Armosain during the cycle as well. And maybe run a lower dose since it's the first cycle, but that's just me. You guys got more experience than this guy lol

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The only thing you might add is Armosain during the cycle as well. And maybe run a lower dose since it's the first cycle, but that's just me. You guys got more experience than this guy lol

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
You got it bro. Aromasin is a must. I'm sure Buen just forgot to add it in since that is a given. Otherwise that layout is all he needs.

Phurious Pharma Rep
You got it bro. Aromasin is a must. I'm sure Buen just forgot to add it in since that is a given. Otherwise that layout is all he needs.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Yea it's a given and I'm sure Buen knows more than me lol. I just figured with that guy who started the thread would not take it as a given and just be lost in the sauce lol

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
You got it bro. Aromasin is a must. I'm sure Buen just forgot to add it in since that is a given. Otherwise that layout is all he needs.

Phurious Pharma Rep

Truthfully...I did forget
It's never on my radar because I've never needed to to run an AI... ever

I'm not so sure at 250mg/wk an AI is needed
But's probably best to run a low dose of aromisin
Then check estradiol level at 3 weeks to see if your dose is correct/needed
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i would definitely use it on a first cycle... chances of being gyno prone on a lower dose of test is definitely not high but we have all seen it before so it wouldn't come as a huge surprise if one were... just run it moderate, get the benefits from it without over doing it and it more than serves its purpose...
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