Hello, first off awesome information here guys. I'm needing some assistance, due to being a little lost and also a little nervous. My info: 37 male 6 ft 193 lbs, 18% bf. Former fatty that weighed 292 lbs a little over 3 years ago. I have been lifting 5-6 days a week for the last two years of my weight loss journey, but I have hit a wall the last 6 months. I am considering one of the 12 week sarm stacks on 1sarms, but I am a little nervous because all of the bad info I read about s4, which seems to be present in all the stacks. My goal is to lose the last 20lbs and keep the muscle that I have built. Can someone please recommend me a course of action? FYI I already have both clomid and nolvadex in hand.