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I am an 18 year old looking into running a 4 week cycle of Test E, but only to really test how my body reacts to external androgens(side effects and such). Meaning one injection of 200mgs Test E every week for 4 weeks.
I will use Aromasin, 8mgs every other day, a bit of a lower dosage than usual as I am not running a full dosage of Test E(around350-500mgs). Furthermore, I will have a full PCT plan using both Nolvadex and Clomid
for another 4 weeks after the cycle. I will have bloodwork done before the cycle and after to monitor Test levels and recovery. I am not looking to gain a whole lot of weight during this cycle, I would be happy with a few pounds, but only to monitor and see how sensitive I am to some side effects which would help me adjust and figure out the most effective and safe second cycle for me.

My main concern with this is the possibility of permanently low natural test levels from a botched recovery. I am not sure of how rational my fears of this are due to using such a low dosage.
I am trying to do this as safely as possible to ensure solid gains in the future while maintaining a (somewhat)healthy body.

Currently, I have been gaining steadily with my current routine and diet plan, however things have been slowing to a crawl and I wish to speed them up in the near future, perhaps not with the first cycle, but most likely the second and third. In addition, I realize my body is most likely not ready to take on 10lbs of muscle and much more strength that a full cycle will give so I aim to take things incredibly slow, almost to the "what's the point then" area.

I realize I am a bit young for a cycle of anything really and if my androgen system is not fully developed yet I run the risk of permanently fucking it up for the rest of my life. So any additional information or factors I am not taking into consideration from the veterans out there would be much appreciated.

Age - 18
Height - 6'2"
Weight - 145lbs
Body fat % - 7% (wish to be about 8-10%)
Years of training - 0.833 years (10 months)
Complete cycle history - No past cycles
PCT for each cycle - NA
Goals - To reach biological max within 1.5 years (about 185-190lbs)
Supplements - 10g Creatine, 3g Beta-Alanine, 50mg Zinc, 250mg Mg, and 8000IU Vitamin D3 per day
General idea of nutrition - Stick to low fat and high protein foods, healthy carb sources(rice and potatoes), don't count calories too much, and lots of broccoli.
Any other relevant info - Surgery to remove non-healing fractured bone in posterior tibial tendon on left foot(required the reattachment of the tendon).
Ok, I definitely understand that. It is probably a good idea to put off AAS for a few years at least, however, it is very tempting. Still haven't quite decided if I am going to do it or not as of now. But thank you for your input!
3 major red flags...
18 years old
6'2" at 142lbs
10 months of training

You're too young, too undersized, and haven't trained long enough to even think about steroids.

You sound like a smart kid and hopefully you realize this is not the proper and healthy way to put on size. Nothing will replace diet and training. You're going to end up hurting yourself by continuing this.

Track your calories and macros. I guarantee at your size you're not eating enough. Try using the app MyFitnessPal and adjust from there.

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Hey bud, you seem like you at least have a decent head on your shoulders and ares,art enough to at least consider the consequences of your actions. Because of that, I highly suggest waiting a few years before using any type of steroid. You are so young, and your endocrine system is under heavy development. You can do potential long term damage that is irreversible by cycling at your age.

Then there is the fact that you haven't built a good natural foundation. You are very undersized based on your stats. You can really put a higher strain on your joints, tendons, and ligaments and really hurt and injure yourself. Everything is wrong about it.

You need to learn how to eat properly and train properly to build a good natural foundation, build a good natural foundation before ever considering any type of performance enhancer or steroid. You also need to wait until you are old enough. Once you hit 20 or 21 Sarms might be a good option, but you need to leave steroids alone until 25 or so
its a damn shame what you are about to do to yourself but noone here is going to have anything to do with you ruining your life... you make your decisions just as we do but we practice and believe far different than others who simply do not care... we believe in taking care of everyone and looking out for everyone's health first and foremost... its ultimately your decision but be prepared to deal with consequences the rest of your life man
I suppose I should wait. I do agree that my natural foundation is still not yet there for AAS and have decided to wait as a result. After weighing the consequences of messing up my androgen system for life for a few pounds of gain just doesn't seem worth it after all. Thank you guys for helping me out! Perhaps I still don't fully understand the potential that steroids have and the damage they can cause, thank you for setting me straight!
Than you for the response! But as others have replied I have decided to put off any AAS for a few years at least. I realize that a messed up androgen system is not worth any gain I can make at this point. Furthermore, if it wasn't for your videos and this community I most likely would have went ahead with it and fucked myself up. Thank you for all your help!
Than you for the response! But as others have replied I have decided to put off any AAS for a few years at least. I realize that a messed up androgen system is not worth any gain I can make at this point. Furthermore, if it wasn't for your videos and this community I most likely would have went ahead with it and fucked myself up. Thank you for all your help!
you just earned so much respect you have no clue... come back in a few years and you can start with sarms... i would wait until you are 20 and in the mean time, just focus on really dialing in your diet and training, developing discipline and consistency...
Someone that listens and doesn't get offended by the truth.... Good on you, bro.
I have always thought it is wise to listen to those with more experience than me and it seems to be working pretty well so far! As far as the truth goes, it often hurts and isn't what you want to hear but most people just can't accept that fact it seems.
you just earned so much respect you have no clue... come back in a few years and you can start with sarms... i would wait until you are 20 and in the mean time, just focus on really dialing in your diet and training, developing discipline and consistency...

Thank you very much! I was definitely wrong to even consider steroids in my condition but what can I say? They seemed so great and I was pressured by some of my "less-natural" friends to run a cycle. I will wait until at least 20 before considering anything and will do my best to maximize my natty gains with training and eating in the meantime to build a solid foundation for any performance enhancing substances I ever choose to use.
I have always thought it is wise to listen to those with more experience than me and it seems to be working pretty well so far! As far as the truth goes, it often hurts and isn't what you want to hear but most people just can't accept that fact it seems.
fucking love your attitude and you are wise beyond your years... private message me anytime you need my help brother... guys like you are the ones i do this for
You are definitely making the right decision man. Like all the other members said who I'm sure are more knowledgeable than I am about steroids, you are too young for steroids. I'm 29 and just recently started thinking about taking steroids and after some research most articles and research says someone should not touch steroids until at the earliest 24 years of age. I'll tell you from my own personal experience lifting i probably hit my natural potential at like 23/24. I had people asking me if i was on steroids lol. Like Dylan said come back in a few years and he will steer you in the right direction as far as SARMS's are concerned.
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