doitright said:
My apologizes, I am 5'11, 171 lbs at 14 % body fat. Looking to get shredded and still gain some muscle.
I have done two cycles.
First cycle was for 8 weeks. Test=E and dbol (30mg a day). (gained a lot of water weight)
Second cycle also 8 weeks. Test-E with ANAVAR (40mg a day) and Winstrol (40 mg)
OK first off it is trenbolone. When we speak of trenbolone we usually specify what ester, or chemical form it is in. It comes in 3 forms so to abbreviate, we would say TrenA, TrenE or TrenHex. I am assuming you mean the ever popular trenA. You have not said how much TestE you have used. To progress from what you did...testE and dbol, would you not like that cycle again? So say you did not like dbol, then testE + Deca, or eq would be your next progression. Assuming your testE was 250mg, then add 200mg deca. Tell us how much test E you used and what did you not like about the dbol cycle. One thing for sure...your next step should not be any of the trens. Everybody...and I do mean everybody "wants to get shredded and still gain some muscle" Tren is not the magic wand for that. Assuming you are your 20's, you still need to try others b4 tren. Primo, eq, deca, winny,tbol etc. The tren is going to come in like a hurricane, and will bring all of its hoodlum friends that you need to be ready to fight and brawl with them. When I was 25 I did tren for 3 days and stopped. My eyeballs felt like they were going to shoot out of their sockets, my heart was pounding , my face was red and I generally felt like I needed to be commited because I was nuts.
Many years latter like 35, I used it with great progress. So I would say that you need to work your way up to tren. There is a lot of progress and fun to have before you need tren. You can get shredded with just diet, heavy weights and 200mg test per week. So stop looking for the magic pill and get in the gym and put some slabs of muscle on. Maybe someone can give you a SARMS cycle to add with just some test.
Be cool, be healthy, eat right, lift heavy, sleep tight. Don't pick fights with guys that can whip your Mr Tren!! The day will come soon enough.