
First Cycle: Test E 500/wk


New member
Age: 26
Weight: 170
Height: 5'6
Bf: about 10%
Experience: Working out since 18
Diet: Very good

After doing a lot of research, I'm finally ready to start my first cycle. I train very hard at the gym. Anywhere between 11/2 hour-3 hours. I'm thinking about running

Wk 1-12 500mg Test E, 250mg Shot on Mon and Thurs
I have read that 12.5mg aromison eod during cycle is a good thing to do, so I plan on doing that.

Pct: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 70/50/50/50

Note: I've been considering hcgenerate during wk 4-12 ed, but I was wondering if you really need it, or if it's just optional. Any recommendations/Tips would be appreciated!
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I would use 350mg test, not 500. 500 is a bit high. 12 weeks is good. aromasin is good at 12.5mg eod, that's the starting point of reference. if you are sensitive to estrogen you may need more.

pct is incomplete.
pct is nolva clomid aromasin GW ostarine.

you don't want to use HCG on cycle, you use it last 2 weeks of cycle and 2 weeks off leading up to PCT.

Thanks, after more research and other suggestions, I concluded that it's best to use Nolva w/ Clomid. So that's what I will be doing
Age: 26
Weight: 170
Height: 5'6
Bf: about 10%
Experience: Working out since 18
Diet: Very good

After doing a lot of research, I'm finally ready to start my first cycle. I train very hard at the gym. Anywhere between 11/2 hour-3 hours. I'm thinking about running

Wk 1-12 500mg Test E, 250mg Shot on Mon and Thurs
I have read that 12.5mg aromison eod during cycle is a good thing to do, so I plan on doing that.

Pct: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 70/50/50/50

Note: I've been considering hcgenerate during wk 4-12 ed, but I was wondering if you really need it, or if it's just optional. Any recommendations/Tips would be appreciated!
First thing that stands out, the Hcgenerate is garbage don't even waste your time. 3 hours for a single gym session? You really shouldn't be able to last that long unless you are doing cardio on top of training. Some say 500mg a week is a lot for a first cycle but imo it's really up to you, I definitely wouldn't go higher tho 350-500mg tops. And your pct at least needs to have GW and aromasin as well. It's possible you won't need the aromasin in pct but considering you've never done this before you should at least have enough for during cycle and pct. Good luck

Titan Research Labs
[Mention the name SdBronco for 10% off your order!]
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First thing that stands out, the Hcgenerate is garbage don't even waste your time. 3 hours for a single gym session? You really shouldn't be able to last that long unless you are doing cardio on top of training. Some say 500mg a week is a lot for a first cycle but imo it's really up to you, I definitely wouldn't go higher tho 350-500mg tops. And your pct at least needs to have GW and aromasin as well. It's possible you won't need the aromasin in pct but considering you've never done this before you should at least have enough for during cycle and pct. Good luck

Titan Research Labs
[Mention the name SdBronco for 10% off your order!]
[email protected]
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He doesn't "need" GW for Pct at all. If he shutdown hard, I would suggest running HCG (not that generate crap or whatever) from week 7-12 at about 150iu x1 the first 2 weeks and then 250 x2 the last 3 weeks to help the recovery process.

He doesn't "need" GW for Pct at all. If he shutdown hard, I would suggest running HCG (not that generate crap or whatever) from week 7-12 at about 150iu x1 the first 2 weeks and then 250 x2 the last 3 weeks to help the recovery process.


Again lol I agree he doesn't NEED GW to get his test levels back at all. It can help with cortisol which is higher during pct which is why it's recommended but it's not a required part of a pct. See alpha I'm not always busting your balls :) lol

And yes HCGenerate is overpriced horse shit. I don't care what anyone says. It is in no way, shape or form anything close to a substitute for HCG or a SERM pct.

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Age: 26
Weight: 170
Height: 5'6
Bf: about 10%
Experience: Working out since 18
Diet: Very good

After doing a lot of research, I'm finally ready to start my first cycle. I train very hard at the gym. Anywhere between 11/2 hour-3 hours. I'm thinking about running

Wk 1-12 500mg Test E, 250mg Shot on Mon and Thurs
I have read that 12.5mg aromison eod during cycle is a good thing to do, so I plan on doing that.

Pct: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 70/50/50/50

Note: I've been considering hcgenerate during wk 4-12 ed, but I was wondering if you really need it, or if it's just optional. Any recommendations/Tips would be appreciated!
I wouldn't go 500mg on the first cycle. 350 is a good dose and plenty for your first test run.

Also your pct is highly inadequate. I'm not sure where you got your info on pct, but it wasn't here, and it's way off base if you want the best shot at keeping your gains post cycle

For the,love of God, don't waste your money on hcgenerate either.

Here is what your pct should be

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
First thing that stands out, the Hcgenerate is garbage don't even waste your time. 3 hours for a single gym session? You really shouldn't be able to last that long unless you are doing cardio on top of training. Some say 500mg a week is a lot for a first cycle but imo it's really up to you, I definitely wouldn't go higher tho 350-500mg tops. And your pct at least needs to have GW and aromasin as well. It's possible you won't need the aromasin in pct but considering you've never done this before you should at least have enough for during cycle and pct. Good luck

Titan Research Labs
[Mention the name SdBronco for 10% off your order!]
[email protected]
[email protected]

lol I didn't even notice he said hcgenerate.
Age: 26
Weight: 170
Height: 5'6
Bf: about 10%
Experience: Working out since 18
Diet: Very good

After doing a lot of research, I'm finally ready to start my first cycle. I train very hard at the gym. Anywhere between 11/2 hour-3 hours. I'm thinking about running

Wk 1-12 500mg Test E, 250mg Shot on Mon and Thurs
I have read that 12.5mg aromison eod during cycle is a good thing to do, so I plan on doing that.

Pct: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 70/50/50/50

Note: I've been considering hcgenerate during wk 4-12 ed, but I was wondering if you really need it, or if it's just optional. Any recommendations/Tips would be appreciated!

I misread hcgenerate to hcg. like everyone said, don't buy that hcgenerate. its garbage bro
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