
First Cycle Status

So I'll be going into week 8 this Sunday of my first cycle. In my thread, upcoming cycle I got tons of information and much appreciated advice and criticism. Just dropping an update on how things are going thus far.

I'll be 31 in Sep, BF has dropped to 10%, it started at between 11% and 12 %. This probably sounds weird, but I started around 210 lbs, but have cut down to 205 lbs. However, despite the drop in weight, I've shaved 3 1/2 in from my waist and midsection, and gained size in both chest, biceps, and quads. I've started cutting for my upcoming competition, thus the loss in weight, but I'm still gaining mass and looking bigger.

I'm currently running 375 mg of Test E. And at week 4 I did decide to add S4 for the vascularity and muscle hardness to carry me throughout the competition. Also running 12.5 mg of Aromisain EOD.

I've had very little if hardly any sides. No hair loss, and if I was well I was losing my hair a long time ago lol. I have had acne breakout, but I'm prone to acne breakout in general and it has not been intolerable. Mo shrinkage of the testicles though. I know everyone reacts different.

My lifts have gone way up, however I could not give a fair max increase asy focus has not been on lifting higher maxes but hypertrophy and gaining mass. I can say I was able to do a 4x8 of 110 lb dumbbell neutral grip press, and I was never able to do close to that before.

I did get an awesome compliment though from my bros saying I look like I'm 225 lbs, but I'm not lol.

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Forgot to add the pics lol

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Yea probably closer to 11 %, it's definitely gone down lol

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I would say 14ish
So I'll be going into week 8 this Sunday of my first cycle. In my thread, upcoming cycle I got tons of information and much appreciated advice and criticism. Just dropping an update on how things are going thus far.

I'll be 31 in Sep, BF has dropped to 10%, it started at between 11% and 12 %. This probably sounds weird, but I started around 210 lbs, but have cut down to 205 lbs. However, despite the drop in weight, I've shaved 3 1/2 in from my waist and midsection, and gained size in both chest, biceps, and quads. I've started cutting for my upcoming competition, thus the loss in weight, but I'm still gaining mass and looking bigger.

I'm currently running 375 mg of Test E. And at week 4 I did decide to add S4 for the vascularity and muscle hardness to carry me throughout the competition. Also running 12.5 mg of Aromisain EOD.

I've had very little if hardly any sides. No hair loss, and if I was well I was losing my hair a long time ago lol. I have had acne breakout, but I'm prone to acne breakout in general and it has not been intolerable. Mo shrinkage of the testicles though. I know everyone reacts different.

My lifts have gone way up, however I could not give a fair max increase asy focus has not been on lifting higher maxes but hypertrophy and gaining mass. I can say I was able to do a 4x8 of 110 lb dumbbell neutral grip press, and I was never able to do close to that before.

I did get an awesome compliment though from my bros saying I look like I'm 225 lbs, but I'm not lol.

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Forgot to add the pics lol

Left is before and right is after.




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What method are you using to measure ur fat content ??

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Initially I was using the tape test, then the pinch test (forget the technical term). I know that the water displacement test is more accurate. I've also done some reading and read that if your abs are starting to show that your bf percentage is around 9 to 10 percent. Lately I've just been guessing based of that principal.

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I've bought a pair of body fat calipers off amazon for like 8 bucks, measured a lot of times to get an average and it was between 12-14% currently and that is at the size of my profile pic which was a few weeks ago.
I've bought a pair of body fat calipers off amazon for like 8 bucks, measured a lot of times to get an average and it was between 12-14% currently and that is at the size of my profile pic which was a few weeks ago.
Nice. I'll get some from amazon and do like you said and measure like 3 to 5 times and take the average.

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Yeah there pretty cheap, the one I got also has a tape measure tool to easily measure things by yourself, pretty cool. I didn't noticed the little slide thing on the fat caliper thing the first few times I tried it and it was saying I was at like 22% or something, I was like no way!!! then saw the I needed to adjust that. lol
Yeah there pretty cheap, the one I got also has a tape measure tool to easily measure things by yourself, pretty cool. I didn't noticed the little slide thing on the fat caliper thing the first few times I tried it and it was saying I was at like 22% or something, I was like no way!!! then saw the I needed to adjust that. lol
Haha, yea that would throw me for a loop. Make me start question my methods of lifestyle haha.

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Good job... Keep grinding! I say around 14% also but don't let that discourage you I've been there. Keep eating clean in a slight deficit. Results will follow!

Pharma Lady Rep
Good job... Keep grinding! I say around 14% also but don't let that discourage you I've been there. Keep eating clean in a slight deficit. Results will follow!

Pharma Lady Rep
I'm def gonna continue to eat clean if for no other reason than the food taste better and I have way more energy. I am at a caloric deficit and taking my cut slow over the next 11 weeks, an adding in cardio. I'm far from discourage and appreciate the support bro.

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