I'm 31 years old(just turned 31),
I'm about to embark on my 1st cycle (trained and dieted 10+ years all natural) and am running a TEST E cycle @ 250 MG twice per week (aka 500 Mg TEST E cycle) for 16 weeks.
A picture of my peak conditioning is attached (just in case it helps you answer my question better)
What is the absolute safest "ON CYCLE" AI between Aromasin and Arimidex for someone like me on a Test E only cycle?
I'm extremely fearful that Aromasin will shut down my Estrogen since i'm running a TEST E only cycle, and I have a ridiculously clean diet that consists of all the Top foods and micronutrients for increasing my Test and lowering my estrogen.
@ 500 Mg/Week of TEST E should i just stick with Arimidex EOD to be safe?
Should i start taking my AI on week 1 of my TEST E only cycle?
Is this stuff, the liqui-Dex the exact same stuff as the Pills i see all over the internet?
Thanks so much for your help in advance!
Also - i'd love to hear your opinions on the BEST PCT after my TEST E Cycle....
One more question - Should i go for 12 or 16 weeks on my 1st Cycle?
I'm about to embark on my 1st cycle (trained and dieted 10+ years all natural) and am running a TEST E cycle @ 250 MG twice per week (aka 500 Mg TEST E cycle) for 16 weeks.
A picture of my peak conditioning is attached (just in case it helps you answer my question better)
What is the absolute safest "ON CYCLE" AI between Aromasin and Arimidex for someone like me on a Test E only cycle?
I'm extremely fearful that Aromasin will shut down my Estrogen since i'm running a TEST E only cycle, and I have a ridiculously clean diet that consists of all the Top foods and micronutrients for increasing my Test and lowering my estrogen.
@ 500 Mg/Week of TEST E should i just stick with Arimidex EOD to be safe?
Should i start taking my AI on week 1 of my TEST E only cycle?
Is this stuff, the liqui-Dex the exact same stuff as the Pills i see all over the internet?
Thanks so much for your help in advance!
Also - i'd love to hear your opinions on the BEST PCT after my TEST E Cycle....
One more question - Should i go for 12 or 16 weeks on my 1st Cycle?