43 year old male, 155lb and 13pc bfat. Been working out consistently for the last 5 years.
I recently just lost 40 lbs by changing my bad eating habits and Ive been able to keep it of for the last 6 months, so my diet is under control. Mostly low carb and sugar high protein
I recently decided to start my first cycle ever. My main goal is to put on about 7 to ten lbs of clean lean muscle
I wanted to start with Test cyp since Im already on trt [last month or so]
Can you please give me a idea of how my cycle, pct and bridge would look like?
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Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
I recently just lost 40 lbs by changing my bad eating habits and Ive been able to keep it of for the last 6 months, so my diet is under control. Mostly low carb and sugar high protein
I recently decided to start my first cycle ever. My main goal is to put on about 7 to ten lbs of clean lean muscle
I wanted to start with Test cyp since Im already on trt [last month or so]
Can you please give me a idea of how my cycle, pct and bridge would look like?
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk