
Finish this with no more than 50 words.

To be the best that I can be above natural means and to destroy the opposition, no matter who or what it is.
At 56 years of age , here we go. Manage senior health by maintaining or exceeding normal body functions. This in return manages a sturdy mast in order to support full sails. How about all the rest of the senior citizens. ⛵

Sent From Sail7seas
To help keep me accountable for my diet and training, to be a motha fucking beast, to hit the softballs over every fence I play on, to be sexy and fuck MissB likes she deserves [emoji8]

To look good naked

Lol... I remember in my man whore days women would stare at my chest and arms during the deed and comment on how big they were, or ask me to pick them up and do them that way... weird, but cool request I guess. Hell I was just a reckless self serving man slut I knew no better.
To supplement an already ferocious approach to training, help me maintain my girlish figure, and stay reasonably well balanced..... LOL

To get bigger, sharper and more peeled.
Bro that's some tiresome shit. When I was a young Marine it was all shits and giggles, but as age set in I found a new respect for the young... boners at will, endurance from hell and the ability to bag hot young women without wanting to go to bed by midnight.

LOL!!! I love racing. I don't set any records or even get close to winning my heat. But I can see my improvement it's tangible out there. I set a goal for each race and build my fitness routine around it. I got a race on Saturday gonna kill that mother!!!
LOL!!! I love racing. I don't set any records or even get close to winning my heat. But I can see my improvement it's tangible out there. I set a goal for each race and build my fitness routine around it. I got a race on Saturday gonna kill that mother!!!

Good luck bro. Kill it...
My expectations of PEDs for my own use are___________________?

To be a HUGE fucking beast!To be in the best shape I've ever been in in my life by 50 years old(47 now).I want jaws to drop & hear people muttering "Holy shit look at the size of that guy" when I walk by. :)
To be a HUGE fucking beast!To be in the best shape I've ever been in in my life by 50 years old(47 now).I want jaws to drop & hear people muttering "Holy shit look at the size of that guy" when I walk by. :)

Definitely possible if you venture into AAS. Takes time still, but your reason was my reason (by earlier age), but the feeling of walking into a place and everyone is looking at you like "Whoa dude is a monster".
Definitely possible if you venture into AAS. Takes time still, but your reason was my reason (by earlier age), but the feeling of walking into a place and everyone is looking at you like "Whoa dude is a monster".

Yeah I was never huge.Even in my prime I had a gymnast's or boxer's body.I never really looked like a bodybuilder which I was aiming for.I was always slow to gain mass.
Better looks, quality of life/health, improved career and self image, improved functionality, improved sex life, more fun, possible competition success.

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