
Finish this with no more than 50 words.


Active member
My expectations of PEDs for my own use are___________________?

This might help us to better understand one another goal-wise, reason-wise, etc...

For myself I'd say "to get monstrous and lean up some. I've always wanted to be big and aesthetic at the same time.
My expectations of PEDs for my own use are___________________?

This might help us to better understand one another goal-wise, reason-wise, etc...

For myself I'd say "to get monstrous and lean up some. I've always wanted to be big and aesthetic at the same time.

TO BE LIKE NY !!!!!!! Who doesnt wanna be like him!
Main goal is just to improve overall. We're all works in progress. Strength and size while staying aesthetically pleasing..

Phurious Pharma Rep
To exceed my natural potential within reason. Naturally very thin, PEDs enable me to surpass my body's limits.
To exceed my natural potential within reason?????? 44 is confused. What do you consider within reason?
What I meant was I don't want to be HUGE. The avi pic was probably 10 pounds off my end goal. Some guys are after more mass, some asthetics is all. Perhaps I chose the wrong word.
To take me to that level you just cannot achieve naturally. To surpass and eclipse my very best each and every day.
Recomp and eventually put on a bit of mass. Also to help my performance in Obstacle Course Racing.
Recomp and eventually put on a bit of mass. Also to help my performance in Obstacle Course Racing.

Bro that's some tiresome shit. When I was a young Marine it was all shits and giggles, but as age set in I found a new respect for the young... boners at will, endurance from hell and the ability to bag hot young women without wanting to go to bed by midnight.
Damn all your answers made me think twice about my own. Being a big guy is great in it's own right, but it is a compromise on other stuff, a lot of other stuff: Sleeping comfortably, reaching my lats, delts, traps, crossing my legs, putting on shoes I need to to tie up, scratching my lower back... hell a lot of stuff indeed. I'm not looking to get smaller, but the answers given here make you see the purpose to everyone's madness. Much more than size, more than function or look...
Damn all your answers made me think twice about my own. Being a big guy is great in it's own right, but it is a compromise on other stuff, a lot of other stuff: Sleeping comfortably, reaching my lats, delts, traps, crossing my legs, putting on shoes I need to to tie up, scratching my lower back... hell a lot of stuff indeed. I'm not looking to get smaller, but the answers given here make you see the purpose to everyone's madness. Much more than size, more than function or look...

its all about your comfort level and what you truly want... you would still be an animal if you say dropped 15lbs but cut it up more... it would probably make you appear even bigger than you do now because of how clean it would look bro.. just keep that in mind
one thing that often occurs.. guys like you focus way too much on size and forget about the aesthetics of this and guys like me focus too much on aesthetics and not enough on the size gain... there's a good middle ground here and when you hit it, which is extremely difficult, thats when you really nail this down...
My expectations of PEDs for my own use are___________________?

This might help us to better understand one another goal-wise, reason-wise, etc...

For myself I'd say "to get monstrous and lean up some. I've always wanted to be big and aesthetic at the same time.

To look good naked
Yep i had an doctor today at the gym asked me how much i weighed about 230 and i said no 210 lol so i guess i must be gettin pretty yoked

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