Pro-Dynabol 20mg is, by nature, an oral steroid which can effectively boost protein metabolism. It is a powerful mass-building steroid, designed to help athletes perform better. It helps grow muscle fast and functions as a weight loss supplement. This effect creates a positive nitrogen balance, which supports protein and muscle growth. Dosage 10 mg of Beligas Pro Dynabol is adequate for full androgen replacement in a male, and this dose can boost androgen anabolic activity by 5 times. Many athletes take 50-100 mg daily. This oral is best used alongside other injectable steroids but can be administered alone. Lastly, its estrogenic effects can be reduced by stacking with an anti-estrogen.

Pro®-Dynabol 20mg
Pro-Dynabol 20mg is, by nature, an oral steroid which can effectively boost protein metabolism. Methandienone possesses high anabolic and androgenic effects.