Trenbolone alone can hinder your libido a lot, and it will reduce it even more after the cycle will be over. In any case, it is much better to stack it with testosterone for better results, and some oral kick-starter, such as Dbol. Also, I would recommend using some good liver supporting supplements, as both Dbol and trenbolone are liver toxic. Finally, make sure to be using an Ai from the first day of the cycle. Aromasin would be the idea choice of AI for the cycle.
P.S. Trenblone can increase prolactin levels, so you should keep on hand some cabergoline in order to control that issue.
P.S.S. Add some Cardarine GW-501516 to the cycle, and you will not regret it. More than anything because it will greatly reduce most of trenbolone's side effects, as well as adding a lot of quality to the cycle. It will greatly increase your endurance, recovery and cardio performance without any side effects at all.