Hey Dylan, I am a huge fan of your channel. I'm big into powerlifting and have done it for over 10 years now. I'm 23 years old and always had a problem with low testosterone. I went to an endocrinologist who diagnosed me with hypogonadism. My total testosterone level was 199! So I got tired of screwing around with blood tests and trying to get it prescribed, I have a buddy that I have been getting testosterone off of since March, 2018. I've been taking 250 mg/wk of Test Cyp and feel great. I've made great gains, went from a 365 bench to 415 within a few months, went from 198lbs to a solid 220 with lower body fat and have felt great ever since I got on. I do have a concern though which is my fertility. I am going to be getting married in a few months and I want kids maybe next year or the year after. So, my question is this. In your opinion what should I do to maintain my fertility? I know test will lower my sperm count and I don't want to take it for years and have the chances of having a kid get fucked up, I see bodybuilders doing it though so it must be capable of being done. Through research I have seen the two popular ones are HCG and Clomid. I have taken clomid before and i do feel as though I noticed a difference. Any tips on what I should do for my fertility? I really don't want to get off testosterone as I don't want to go back to feeling like shit again, thanks and I look forward to hearing back!