
Fat titties.


New member
Hey guys. I don’t know if it’s my imagination or what but my tits seems to be getting puffy. Like they are holding water. Not an issue with my nipples though. Just Puffy. I have never had this issue before.
Stats. 6ft. 213 15%BF

I start cycle 10 days ago.
Test Prop- 300 a week.
Tren Ace - 150 a week.
Just added Winstrol. 150 a week.

I have arimidex that I started taking
Half a pill. EOD 3 days ago.

What’s your thoughts??
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Please post your full stats. When did you start your cycle and when did you start Arimidex?

Do you have Caber on hand?

Please include your bf%...
WHEN did you start the a-dex?

Half a pill doesn't tell us the dose.
Well it could be estrogen related, prolactin, fat, or water retention. A good place to start is bloodwork. Otherwise it's speculation. I can say it wasn't a good idea to leave out prolactin protection. Get bloodwork to see what's going on
the only way to help is with bloodwork man... noone here can guess as to what the root of the problem is and if we make a guess at it, we could make the wrong guess and make things worse...
Thank you sir. I will get the blood work done ASAP. In the meantime I guess it would be wise to either cut the Tren out or lower the dose to .75 a week. Your thoughts?
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