


Ive been doing fasting cardio in the mornings lately. Do you recommend this and is there a certain style of cardio I should do and also supplements prior to exercise to burn the fat and save the BCAAs?

Ive been doing fasting cardio in the mornings lately. Do you recommend this and is there a certain style of cardio I should do and also supplements prior to exercise to burn the fat and save the BCAAs?

BCAAs are not going to preserve muscle and burn fat. GW 501516 will help with endurance and burning fat. However we are going to need some stats to really help you out bro. Need age, bf%, height, weight, history of supplements and cycles, SARMS, Prohormones, AAS.

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Ive been doing fasting cardio in the mornings lately. Do you recommend this and is there a certain style of cardio I should do and also supplements prior to exercise to burn the fat and save the BCAAs?


There are people on both side of the fence when it comes to fasted training. Many don't be.ieve in it at all, and some swear by its effectiveness. It's really up to you, but if you do fasted training the two things I would recommend are GW from which fights cortisol, increases endurance and enhances fat loss big time. The other thing would be BCAAs which I use during cardio myself
Bcaas are still incomplete protien so they cant be used for protien synthesis alone without the other 6 EAA so you want too do fasted cardio drink some whey Iso first you have protien available too be anticatabolic and blood sugar is still low and do HIIT sprints or tabata something too over rev your heart rate quickly in 20 min or less . do not go do an hour of steady state cardio pn an empty stomach
Bcaas are still incomplete protien so they cant be used for protien synthesis alone without the other 6 EAA so you want too do fasted cardio drink some whey Iso first you have protien available too be anticatabolic and blood sugar is still low and do HIIT sprints or tabata something too over rev your heart rate quickly in 20 min or less . do not go do an hour of steady state cardio pn an empty stomach

I like something like amino decanate that has all 9 essentials. Makes more sense

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
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I like something like amino decanate that has all 9 essentials. Makes more sense

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
Code JS5 for 5% off
It would work but at the end of the day its still just protien with some marketing hype . A couple scoops of ISO is just as good and cheaper .save money for food and gear and best thing too do is put it in half a cup of oats fasted is over rated anyhow . early cardio raises resting metabolic rate over the day .actual calories burned during excersise are insufficient

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Personally. Regardless of what supplements I'm on, I've always, and I will always say ; noticed better improvements with fat loss,when going fasted cardio. Not entirely sure if placebo or what. I will always stick by it though. It's my go to for fat loss and now running GW, S4, and LGD I'm sure it's going to be amazing !
Personally. Regardless of what supplements I'm on, I've always, and I will always say ; noticed better improvements with fat loss,when going fasted cardio. Not entirely sure if placebo or what. I will always stick by it though. It's my go to for fat loss and now running GW, S4, and LGD I'm sure it's going to be amazing !
Not that its the case here but most of the time fasted cardio results in one less meal increasing caloric deficit for the day

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I used to do intermittent fasting so all my cardio was fasted and I've never seen better fat loss I still ate the same amount of calories if I wasn't fasting so it's no different it's just like Rick said some swear by it and others say it's total bs but I've never seen better results.

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Yes Fasted cardio in the morning.Ideally take your hgh if your running it and hit the cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
Im not taking hgh but I've ordered mk677 and I'm expecting it to be here today, is that similar to what you're talking about???
And other members are saying that bcaas won't help prior to cardio to protect from burning muscle, how do you feel about that???

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