
Fadogia Agrestis all natural pct for sarms?

bro i have explained to you now a million times that you need clomid on a pct with sarms... i cannot explain it any further to you or make it ANY clearer to you... i dont get what i am not explaining properly to you? tell me what i have to do to make it more clear please because obviously me telling you over 10 times is not registering... what do i have to do to make it more clear?
In another thread you said you'd announce something new and natural(I think) this week and I thought that was it.

Hey listen I came into this website because I became a fan of yours and all I've been getting is an attitude. You're an angry person. I tried to give you the benfit of the doubt even after what I've read about you and because I love your videos and your personality(I thought). No worries man block me and remove me from this site if you want. I seem to be an annoyance.
you are NOT an annoyance... i told you about the product, yes... i have answered ALL your questions timely and with as much info as possible but you keep asking the same thing... YOU told me that you wanted to be safe as possible yet you are not listening... IM TRYING to teach you how to do this right.. the new product will be AWESOME for all sorts of things and in certain sarms stacks, lighter ones, you may be able to do that but i have told you over and over you need clomid... im simply asking you what i need to do to convey this message better to you?? All i have done is help you, have i not? why on earth would i block you and remove you from the site? that makes no sense?
Yes you have helped and I’ve learned a lot from you I appreciate it
you WILL NOT be blocked nor kicked off... i like you dude... i just want to get through to you so YOU DO NOT fuck yourself up... thats why i get upset bro... when people get hurt... im simply trying to protect you so sometimes tough love is what it takes and i hope you understand that
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