
Expected results?


Hi, I'm new to SARM's and just want to hear what an educated expectation is going to be.

I'm 23, 6'3 185 pounds roughly 14% BF. I'm not a beginner when it comes to fitness however I am not religious. I am fairly fit but I have trouble gaining muscle. Not sure if it was simply my diet or exercise routine. I'm satisfied where I am but would like to go the extra distance and get toned. I have no interest of being a beast just wanting to be aesthetic.

I will be starting a cycle in 2 days. I will be running, GW S4 MK2866 LGD. My main focus is to cut down my BF and gain a slight amount of muscle if possible. I have been focusing on my diet lately which is sticking to a maintenance macro count. Im currently on C45/P35/F20 and a base count of 2550 Calories but boosting it up a bit on strong exercise days.

Am I someone who should expect any results from running this cycle or am I too inexperienced to notice any difference due to my exercise patterns being strong for a month then dropping for a few weeks due to work. I appreciate any input anyone can give.

Thank you
You will get out of it what you put into it. Work hard eat right and you'll see changes. Did you get your sarms from sarmsx?
It's ultimately up to you on what you will get out of it. Nobody can tell you what to expect when we don't know what you will be putting into it as far as your training and diet, rest, and what your genetics are. It's an open ended question that can't be answered.

You can make great results with that stack. You just have to do the things needed to make that happen

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Ok thanks as long as the stack I'll be taking has the potential to make improvements I can work my ass off.
Ok thanks as long as the stack I'll be taking has the potential to make improvements I can work my ass off.

On sarms older folks will guide you in the right direction. But I would like to say about other part -there needs to be more motivational factor then just expecting certain results from a "magic pill" so to speak. You should be working hard as it is already. Any support from a side shouldn'd be central focus what motivates you. And it's not a few weeks job, as you will find ppl often saying: "it's not a sprint, it's a maraton". You need to be pasionate about what you're doing regardless if "any help" works like you were expecting or not, and there isn't such "magic pill" for desire results anyway, it's still hard work and you can only guide your body as a man behind the wheel so to speak..
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get your diet right for lean mass and yes I think the stack you got (if its from sarmsx) will meet or exceed your goals. but you have to not have the "not so motivational" days. this tells me you are still a little young and you can eat and drink all weekend and still maintain your build. thank God you didn't jump on an aas cycle and then ask. but simply yes you can get the results you want IF YOU work for it and stay religious to the gym eating and sarms for 12 weeks. its 12 weeks easy man
you can expect results without anything whatsoever IF your diet and training are consistent and disciplined... it sounds to me like this is something you need to address first before you start your cycle or you will never get everything out of it that you are supposed to... that should all be taken care before you ever start any type of cycle whatsoever... you cannot ever succeed to the level you could without these being on point... it just wont happen... perhaps you should post your diet so we can help to get it fixed but your training also needs to be consistent... SARMS will enhance your performance levels to the highest extent but you need to get them there on your own first so you have your peak to surpass and it sounds your a million miles from that... you cant depend on chemicals and anabolics to do this for you... it doesnt work that way
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