Just a little break down guys on what I have been reading on this site and others, keep in mind I have never ran Epi so I cant confirm this. Epi is pretty much a cross between Tbol and Winny. It doesn't quite have the bulking effect that Tbol can and the tightening and cutting effect that Winny has. But it does everything well, it almost has the same ability that Tbol does in Bulking and almost has the same ability as winny to cut. Sounds like the damn thing does everything well nothing exceptional except in two areas, very low sides and the ability to kill Gyno and Chest fat. I know this is very vague but kind of the common theme I keep on reading over and over. A jack of all trades a master of none, but gainz you want gainz you will get. The very fact that MR Robotic and Tren master loves this compound makes you take notice. I believe the list of guys going to run it in the next few months is
and maybe Jack Steel he seems to be a fan of the compound also.
So soon enough we will find out in mass and a shitload of feedback on this AAS.