
Enhanced super stack updates


Hi to all.

Today is Day 1 for the Stack minus the S4 as its still on route (next week or so)Ive taken the GW,S9,Rad as recommended.And will add the S4 when it arrives and may up the dose a bit later on to catch up,is this recomended...Im thinking 30 split in two after few weeks.

On a side note/it dont taste that bad.
Hi to all.

Today is Day 1 for the Stack minus the S4 as its still on route (next week or so)Ive taken the GW,S9,Rad as recommended.And will add the S4 when it arrives and may up the dose a bit later on to catch up,is this recomended...Im thinking 30 split in two after few weeks.

On a side note/it dont taste that bad.

thanks for starting the log here brother... i will be here to help and support you along the way... your right... the taste is clearly not great but often overplayed big time...
Hi All
Im now on DAY 9 of the enhanced super stack minus the s4 as its still on its way.....Sent me my pct before the full stack which was tough as i wanted to crack on.
Anyway im feeling GREAT......Cardio is controlled and stretching out in time.
Strength is up and im looking thick around front looking forward to the coming weeks
Hi All
Im now on DAY 9 of the enhanced super stack minus the s4 as its still on its way.....Sent me my pct before the full stack which was tough as i wanted to crack on.
Anyway im feeling GREAT......Cardio is controlled and stretching out in time.
Strength is up and im looking thick around front looking forward to the coming weeks
I will keep an eye out. I started something similar yesterday. I've added lgd, Sr, GW, Ostarine, Rad 140 to a primo low dose test stack. Waiting on s4 also. Keep us informed on your progress. Thanks.

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Day 13.
Ive started to really dig in with the Cardio now,Bike for 30mins and cross trainer for 30mins....i actually laughed out loud at how good it felt with the breathing...i never lost breath once ,it was controlled all the way through workout.
this was after 90mins weights training.Im starting to see a hint of yellow now in the vision but nothing too bad,Strength is up along with indurance...I had decided not to be chained to scales when doing this cycle for first few weeks,but i can see a difference in mirror and belt size....over all im impressed so far.Anyone have a solid method of dosing SR as im trying to keep it tight to two three hours,but work etc can make it hard to be exact.And again the taste aint that bad...if anything the SR tastes a little sweet to my tastebuds.will continue to post as weeks progress,thanks for the time and any feedback.
Day 13.
Ive started to really dig in with the Cardio now,Bike for 30mins and cross trainer for 30mins....i actually laughed out loud at how good it felt with the breathing...i never lost breath once ,it was controlled all the way through workout.
this was after 90mins weights training.Im starting to see a hint of yellow now in the vision but nothing too bad,Strength is up along with indurance...I had decided not to be chained to scales when doing this cycle for first few weeks,but i can see a difference in mirror and belt size....over all im impressed so far.Anyone have a solid method of dosing SR as im trying to keep it tight to two three hours,but work etc can make it hard to be exact.And again the taste aint that bad...if anything the SR tastes a little sweet to my tastebuds.will continue to post as weeks progress,thanks for the time and any feedback.
Awesome update man. I'm glad everything is going so well for you. You are right at the point where everything starts kicking in really well so you should see even more nice things coming your way. That endurance increase from gw is definitely an awesome thing

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
excellent progress bro.. make sure to keep pushing yourself because you just cannot understand the levels you can reach with... you have the capability to continuously add to your vo2max which is going to enhance output even higher resulting in you surpassing expectations and goals...
Guys can doing too much cardio strip me of my gains.....I ask because im 0n day 20 feel fantastic ,can see im getting leaner but think im losing strength a this due to the cardio?had to drop dumbells back 5kilos last night at gym.I know somedays you lift more than others.Today is a rest day but im still going in for an hour of cardio as im becoming a bit obsessed to shift the body fat around waist...I suppose my question is do you sacrifice one for the other meaning loss of body fat against gains....All feedback taken on board thanks guys.

Also can i increase my s4?been on for ten days(it arrived later)yes i have the yellow tint at night but manage ok.
Guys can doing too much cardio strip me of my gains.....I ask because im 0n day 20 feel fantastic ,can see im getting leaner but think im losing strength a this due to the cardio?had to drop dumbells back 5kilos last night at gym.I know somedays you lift more than others.Today is a rest day but im still going in for an hour of cardio as im becoming a bit obsessed to shift the body fat around waist...I suppose my question is do you sacrifice one for the other meaning loss of body fat against gains....All feedback taken on board thanks guys.

Also can i increase my s4?been on for ten days(it arrived later)yes i have the yellow tint at night but manage ok.

it just depends bro.. are you lifting right after cardio? are you eating enough to compensate for all the calories you are burning? it all has to be precise to ensure strength and muscle continue to enhance while still losing fat in the process... diet is everything here and in all circumstances... however with this, its even more important...
Ive been doing cardio after weights,but am going to move it to the morning and train with weights in the evening,I have been burning over six hundred calories every cardio session....maybe i should eat more or add another protein shake in to diet .
A typical day

Breakfast /oats and toast/shake
mid morning tin of beans/fruit/handful nuts.

Lunch/chicken breast with brown rice/nuts

dinner/steak or fish or chicken with veg and shake

later a yogurt or museli
Ive been doing cardio after weights,but am going to move it to the morning and train with weights in the evening,I have been burning over six hundred calories every cardio session....maybe i should eat more or add another protein shake in to diet .
A typical day

Breakfast /oats and toast/shake
mid morning tin of beans/fruit/handful nuts.

Lunch/chicken breast with brown rice/nuts

dinner/steak or fish or chicken with veg and shake

later a yogurt or museli

I would definitely move that cardio around. It's not ideal to do cardio after weights in my opinion because you've already broken down your muscle tissue from resistance training. At that point it is looking for replenishment, nutrients, and recovery
Yip,that makes a lot of sense,Im going to try and do Cardio in the mornings....5am is a bitch of a time to throw the legs out the bed....then work for 7:30am....back in gym at 7pm till 9pm
I wake 5;am, preworkout stuf, 5:30-7am weight training. If you can pull that schedule 4-5 days a week, you have great dedication.
bro trust me on this... your legs adjust fast and once you get it going, there is NOTHING better than morning cardio... i get up at 630 and start cardio around 730 or before and i feel on top of the world all day until weights at night and once again ,i feel great going in and when i get out.. i have never liked nor been a fan of cardio after you workout... you just tore down your muscles at a very high rate and then you just continue to tear them down more right after and i have always felt it was a hindrance to size gain... others will have a differing opinion but for me personally and every client i have ever had, cardio before has shown to be significantly better...
Yip,that makes a lot of sense,Im going to try and do Cardio in the mornings....5am is a bitch of a time to throw the legs out the bed....then work for 7:30am....back in gym at 7pm till 9pm

All of my cardio is done first thing early am at 5 or 6 am. That's the way to do it in my opinion
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