
End of cycle conclusions

Everytime i tweek my shoulder I switch too smith machine presses and bench for a couple weeks and stay in the 15 rep range instead of going heavy and I do well if I continue to push the free weights heavy it turns out bad . your lookin good brother hope that heals up
Everytime i tweek my shoulder I switch too smith machine presses and bench for a couple weeks and stay in the 15 rep range instead of going heavy and I do well if I continue to push the free weights heavy it turns out bad . your lookin good brother hope that heals up

Thanks man I think it's fine now. Probably just very minor little pain. I won't even touch chest for another week to be safe.


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[email protected]
Looks good bud. Your abs will be back to how they usually are soon as the water starts dropping.

Looks good bud. Your abs will be back to how they usually are soon as the water starts dropping.


My abs don't ever really look better than that but I may lose some water nonetheless. Although it has been over 2 weeks since switching to cruise mode. We shall see. I guess they've been a bit dryer at times. I have a hard time getting my abs looking good though.

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[email protected]
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