So I hit up Dylan and he shared some pics with me... I'm not gonna post them or anything and steal the mans thunder, but I'm gonna say this "Momma here comes that bad man!!!". I looked at the pics and the reaction was a fucking instantaneous double take. Great mixture of mass, aesthetics and cut. How the fuck he does it we will never ever know and personally I don't have the discipline for. So I'm gonna tip my hat to the man, my bro, for being a fucking gainz ninja warrior. Fuck man... when you see it, if you deny it you're as fucked up as the day is long. Pecs bam, traps bam, delts bam, obliques bam. I ain't into posting up an entire thread about some dudes physique, but Dylan just had a lot of our fucking funerals when he shared those pics with me. Real recognizes real... and Dylan just drop kicked the game in it's face.
View attachment 3232
The 44
View attachment 3232
The 44
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