I had a question about a cycle I'm currently running. I'm taking aromasin on cycle but not sure exactly what to dose it at. This is about my 6th cycle ever and I'm 29 years old.
Sustanon 250- 500mg a week (split wed and sun)
Tren E- 400mg a week (split wed and Sunday)
Dianabol 25mg (every day for first 4 weeks)
Anadrol 25mg (every day for first 4 weeks)
Aromasin 10mg EOD (thinking of switching to 10mg ED)
Thanks for what you are doing in the anabolic community man. I like the information you're putting out and I know it's helping tons of other people just like me. Let me know what you think of the cycle. I don't "think" that I'm very prone to gyno, I've never had it and I've ran some sustanon with no on cycle pct before but I've never had blood work. I don't know where to begin as far as finding that type of Doctor to be cool about anabolic steroids and stuff.
Sustanon 250- 500mg a week (split wed and sun)
Tren E- 400mg a week (split wed and Sunday)
Dianabol 25mg (every day for first 4 weeks)
Anadrol 25mg (every day for first 4 weeks)
Aromasin 10mg EOD (thinking of switching to 10mg ED)
Thanks for what you are doing in the anabolic community man. I like the information you're putting out and I know it's helping tons of other people just like me. Let me know what you think of the cycle. I don't "think" that I'm very prone to gyno, I've never had it and I've ran some sustanon with no on cycle pct before but I've never had blood work. I don't know where to begin as far as finding that type of Doctor to be cool about anabolic steroids and stuff.