
Dyaln Gemelli Youtube Channel... Please subscribe!


Founding Member
Super Moderator
Thank you to everyone who has supported and subscribed to my Youtube Channel. I take pride in helping and reaching out to everyone to provide an extensive knowledge base and the proper guidance to ensure success on all levels as well as safety and education. If you are not familiar with the channel or are not subscribed, you are invited to please come and watch and help support the growth of the channel. Your subscription and feedback is imperative to ensure the constant growth of the channel. Thank you to everyone for the support and please subscribe! ... ujxQgFa-kw
When I decided it was time to get off my ass and start getting in shape, I spent countless hours doing research and trying to gain as much knowledge as I could, I wish I had found your channel sooner, with the amount of time I spent reading and watching everything I could get my hands on, I'm surprised I didn't.

I am certain that the day you and I had a exchange over Facebook, which led to you pointing me here, will be the definable moment of when I went from the FNG, to someone armed with all the knowledge and support needed to achieve my dreams.

Your Channel, These Forums, THIS BROTHERHOOD.. this is what it's all about
BrentM said:
When I decided it was time to get off my ass and start getting in shape, I spent countless hours doing research and trying to gain as much knowledge as I could, I wish I had found your channel sooner, with the amount of time I spent reading and watching everything I could get my hands on, I'm surprised I didn't.

I am certain that the day you and I had a exchange over Facebook, which led to you pointing me here, will be the definable moment of when I went from the FNG, to someone armed with all the knowledge and support needed to achieve my dreams.

Your Channel, These Forums, THIS BROTHERHOOD.. this is what it's all about

I'm glad you've found the right resources between the YouTube channel and our family here at adrenaline rush!

Dylan's YouTube channel is so packed with useful information that I strongly suggest everyone to subscribe to it that hasn't already. There are a ton of topics that he covers from top to bottom, and the library of information is growing all the time!
BrentM said:
When I decided it was time to get off my ass and start getting in shape, I spent countless hours doing research and trying to gain as much knowledge as I could, I wish I had found your channel sooner, with the amount of time I spent reading and watching everything I could get my hands on, I'm surprised I didn't.

I am certain that the day you and I had a exchange over Facebook, which led to you pointing me here, will be the definable moment of when I went from the FNG, to someone armed with all the knowledge and support needed to achieve my dreams.

Your Channel, These Forums, THIS BROTHERHOOD.. this is what it's all about

That makes my day to hear that bro, seriously... I am ALWAYS here to help and to provide whatever guidance and support that I can... Thank you for your support and for your acknowledgement... You are a true asset here and you already know you can come to me anytime you need any help or guidance and I will always do my best... There will be plenty more videos to come!
I'm always trying to learn new things, when ever I forget I go right back to DG YouTube page, no joke trying to keep up in the game!!

Changing my life around one day at a time!
Angel said:
I'm always trying to learn new things, when ever I forget I go right back to DG YouTube page, no joke trying to keep up in the game!!

Changing my life around one day at a time!

That's so awesome to hear brother... I have been so busy with building the community here that I have not produced videos this week but rest assured, I will be making up for that this week, even if I don't sleep a minute... I am HERE FOR ALL OF YOU
Thank you to everyone for the support... It truly helps to maintain the growth of the channel and inspires me to provide more... Stay tuned because there are going to be some very nice videos upcoming this week!
Dylan, thanks for the videos they are extremely helpful.

I have heard you mention here on the forum and on your PCT video using a natural testosterone booster.

Is there one you recommend?

Also, I'd love to see a video sometime on supplements you use in addition to gear and why.
BCAA's, beta alanine, creatine, etc...
william32 said:
Dylan, thanks for the videos they are extremely helpful.

I have heard you mention here on the forum and on your PCT video using a natural testosterone booster.

Is there one you recommend?

Also, I'd love to see a video sometime on supplements you use in addition to gear and why.
BCAA's, beta alanine, creatine, etc...

Thank you for the support brother... Truly appreciated... I would just go with daa powder at this point for a test booster...

I will note your requests on videos brother... Thanks again!
whodey365 said:
I've seen a lot of your videos back in the sarms1 days. Really good info. Your kitchen is bad ass btw.

Thanks brother... it damn well better be for what it cost me!!!! LOL.. I swear at one point I turned into a fucking interior designer, ON JUICE... LMFAO...
FYI I found DAA powder super cheep at

I use them for BCAAS, creatine, beta alanine and sometimes whey.

They have solid supps.
Re: RE: Re: Dyaln Gemelli Youtube Channel... Please subscribe!

william32 said:
FYI I found DAA powder super cheep at

I use them for BCAAS, creatine, beta alanine and sometimes whey.

They have solid supps.
How is the pricing there? I'm looking into places for bulk powders for a,lot of similar things
Most of their stuff is priced great.
It's raw ingredients though so the BCAAS taste pretty bad if your used to flavored stuff but to get an effective dose you really need a higher dose than the recommended dose that most brands suggest and that gets pricey.

The only thing that is not super cheap is their whey. It's cheaper than most but not a steal. However, it is pure high quality whey and you don't have to worry about ingredients.
The best part about is the fact every time you buy something they ask you to pick something from their store that you haven't already bought or sampled and they will then send you the smallest size of what you picked for free. You only have to give the product a review online I return. I've been using them for over a year now.
Re: RE: Re: Dyaln Gemelli Youtube Channel... Please subscribe!

william32 said:
Most of their stuff is priced great.
It's raw ingredients though so the BCAAS taste pretty bad if your used to flavored stuff but to get an effective dose you really need a higher dose than the recommended dose that most brands suggest and that gets pricey.

The only thing that is not super cheap is their whey. It's cheaper than most but not a steal. However, it is pure high quality whey and you don't have to worry about ingredients.
I'll have to look into them then. I don't care about flavoring for BCAAs. Just looking for a good 2:1:1 or 4:1:1 ratio that gives you a good amount of servings at a decent dose for the price. I always add my own flavoring.
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