
Does your other half know about your AAS use?

Mine is into it. She actually reads up and learns about different compounds and always watches to see how my moods, eating and sleeping patterns are when on different stuff.
I just buy it and tell her my gear came in don't take anyone near here, here, or here cuz I don't want any shit. As long as she can do whatever it is she does who cares. I pin in front of her and she'll even say shit like 'you look tired why don't you pin something'. If you gotta hide it from your woman you should ask yourself who's wearing the pants. If her nagging is enough to alter your behavior then she's already won. Keep in mind us guys telling you to tell her to STFU are older and established so our wives kinda appreciate their comfort levels enough not to nag about shit we're gonna do any way.
I just buy it and tell her my gear came in don't take anyone near here, here, or here cuz I don't want any shit. As long as she can do whatever it is she does who cares. I pin in front of her and she'll even say shit like 'you look tired why don't you pin something'. If you gotta hide it from your woman you should ask yourself who's wearing the pants. If her nagging is enough to alter your behavior then she's already won. Keep in mind us guys telling you to tell her to STFU are older and established so our wives kinda appreciate their comfort levels enough not to nag about shit we're gonna do any way.

lmao I love that!

My wife used to pin me for my TRT,but she's not really good at it so that didn't last long.Shaky hands & diabetic neuropathy is a no go when giving injections.She knows I always research the fuck out of anything I put in my body and then research it some more,so she's not worried about me hurting myself.
So yeah she's cool with it
My girl knows... Been through 2 cycles so far. She's not too keen on me doing another, so after the 3rd cycle, I may have to sneak cycles, but we'll see.

She smokes MJ and I don't (they random at my place + I make more than she does so it's not worth it to me to get busted for a couple hours of a high), so that's my planned Ace up my sleeve when she tells me to stop. Horrible to use that against her, I know but what else am I supposed to do?

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