
Do SARMS cause headaches?


New member
Dosed GW (nutrobal), S4 and LGD around 6pm, it's now 2AM and have pain around the left temple. Probably a 5/10 pain.
Also dosed BPC-157 240mg at 9pm.
Feeling my cheeks are a bit warmer and a slight headache, is this normal when starting with SARMS?
No other noticeable sides.

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Ive never heard of that unless your blood pressure is getting too high which is usually never a concern with SARMS
Never had a issue like that at all and i'm running GW,LGD and RAD for 6 weeks now . I think whatever you have ain't real sarms . It seems you also haven't taken our advise about not starting any PEDS yet until you get your diet in check
Patience mate ! EAT, EAT, TRAIN ,REPEAT. Sarms won't help if you ain't getting those calories in . its like trying to keep a large fire burning with twigs- pointless .
Thinking it’s just stress/anxiety response cos I like to get anxiety..
In terms of eating I’m meal prepping like a horse and eating, training hard.
Fully understand this isn’t a magic pill and will only help to a certain degree.
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