In some very weird way I might even be making gains off cycling right one, or at least "solidifying" what I have.
Now in the eye of 95%+ of newbies, of course I look less "round" and "full" and "hard" and "lean" and "vascular" and so on right now, but I hit the gym every other day, I'm physically very active, even do lots of stretching, I also make sure I have proper sleep, and I must say I've really been enjoying the workout A LOT since I've come off cycle. I started body weight training at 11, took it more seriously at 13, subscribed to a gym at 15... And I've always been of the taller build, but my muscularity has somewhat always shown! When people meet me this is most likely one of the things they associate me with: muscles. Now I'm faaaar from being a real bodybuilder.... I went to 4 shows and well... Didn't place, nothing, but I got great attention from other very great bodybuilders, pros! And... Yeah, I mean at 6'2 I would have to get so big.... I'm already imposing I guess, tight waist, huge chest. But the back guys.... I have a LAYER OF FAT on my LOWER back especially!!!! You read right, A LAYER.... I'm so ashamed of it.
My abs have always been a strong point, at my first show some dude backstage complimented me on that, but at my last show my stomach wasn't even that tight and small anymore and.... The back guys
disgusting lower back. My lower back/love handles RUIN everything. On top of that I don't have very wide shoulder, there not narrow, but for 6 foot 2 they are! My shoulder joints are as large as a "wider-built" 5'8 guy would have... So for 6'2 I'm in a huge disadvantage.
Anyyways otherwise I'm injury free right now (I wouldn't even try and force on preexisting aches and pains) and this feels GOLDEN. I LOVE training injury-FREE.
Training injury free is better than the greatest pump guys.
Injury + no pump = Sh**
Injury + pump = STILL SH**, YES! It's NOT even that pleasant to see your chest all pumped up when you know deep down (or don't wanna know, ironically) how F'd your shoulder or something is...
No injury + no pump = Okay.
No injury + Pump = YESSS-life-is-good-type of feeling