
Did anyone try this as a kickstart?


Hey guys,

My upcoming Test and Deca cycle in November will be kickstarted with Tbol @ 60mg per day for 6 weeks.

Did anyone try the Tbol for 6 weeks with RAD-140 and LGD-4033?

If so, would you guys recommend this to add to the complete duration of the cycle? (12 weeks)

Will be a REALLY expensive cycle if I would add, but if it is worth it. Damn, then I will add it in there :)
thats the kickstart i always recommend to people that want dbol like results without the dbol side effects... its so ideal man.. its a perfect kickstart and i hope you run it so you can see what im talking about...
thats the kickstart i always recommend to people that want dbol like results without the dbol side effects... its so ideal man.. its a perfect kickstart and i hope you run it so you can see what im talking about...

So just run the sarms 12 weeks both along side the Test and Deca? I am going to be strong as shit, aren't I?
Oh last question about adding the LGD and RAD to the cycle...

Will there be a bit of water or none at all from the SARMs?
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