Hey bros! Pretty awesome! Been gone for a while and I come back and I see deca written all over the board. I wanted to go over some things with you. #1-deca IS whatever you want to be.It is dose related and stack related. And let me make this clear to all of you. When you get older you are going to realize that deca is your only friend. It will come back for a visit...sooner or latter. The rule is to always have deca and test together. The test should be equal to or greater that the deca. There is a way bigger chance of getting bloat from deca only when the test is too high. You get deca dick when the deca is too high but test too low....such as 300 test 800 deca. If you go 150/150..you will see nothing but a few lbs LEAN after 14 weeks. If you go 100/100 for trt you will find your self feeling mentally and physically better than either one by itself. When you go 200/200, you wll put on about 3-5 lbs muscle, some water and very little fat. When you want to bulk and you are under 55, then keep the deca at less than or equal to 800mgs. To me this is a young man's bulk. 800/800, or 500/600. The whole issue of water is a myth. Deca is your lifesaver that will take you into your older years. You make your basic stack of deca/test, and find your own indivdual doses. What do you want? Trt then deca/test. Some nice lean gains then deca/test. You want to bulk? Then deca/test.
Deca/test is the all time proven stack. Used by thousands with great success. Proven safe for many years. First choice for burn victims, first choice for AIDS patients,first choice for old school bodybuilders. First choice for my entire life. First choice for me now at 67 years old.
I am posting this pic of myself many many years ago. This is the most bloated I ever was in my life...I was on deca/test and d-bol. Must have been that dam deca had me bloated...lol. Take care my bros and happy holidays
If you get sides from deca then first look at what else you are taking...not th deca. This is another myth that just won't go away. Like..I am on 600 test and 200 deca and the deca is giving me zits!!! I am on 800 test and 800 deca and the deca is giving me water. All of these sides of zits,bloat etc are all more commonly cause by test...not deca.