Stats- 32years old, 6+ years training, 6', 198lbs, 11.2%bf
I am educating myself on Deca for down the road. Currently almost halfway through a 12 week run of 400mg Test Cyp, kicked off with Tbol and so far everything feels great and estrogen is staying under control just fine. I know Tbol is mild and I do have some Winstrol on hand, but I would like to take longer stints between oral steroids for the purposes of liver health. Hence, I am interested in possibly combining Test and Deca in a low dose like I know Dylan is so fond of. My Test is dosed at 200mg/ml and the Deca in mind (Pharmalady) is dosed at 300mg/ml. I have heard several opinions regarding the ratio between the two- that it is best to keep them the same, keep Test higher, keep Deca higher, etc...I am not interested in blowing up like a water balloon or going balls deep with a compound I am new to. So far, the simplest and safest way to do this would be-
Week 1-12 200mg Test/week (100mg twice a week)
Week 1-10 225mg Deca/week (.75ml dosed once a week)
Week 1-18 12.5mg Aromasin EOD or E3D as needed
Week 15-18 PCT (Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 50/50/25/25) -could also extend to 6 weeks?
Do you think it would be more worthwhile to add slightly higher Test by just pulling a bit extra past the .5ML line in this case, or perhaps running the full 300mg Deca with 200mg Test, or does it look about right as is? I would have Caber on hand in case sides start to show. Also, I know that Deca is more suppressive, so I would be more cautious and use HCG, though it would be my first time using it, and I am not sure if it would be best to run the entire 12 weeks or just the last few leading into PCT. Thanks for any input!
I am educating myself on Deca for down the road. Currently almost halfway through a 12 week run of 400mg Test Cyp, kicked off with Tbol and so far everything feels great and estrogen is staying under control just fine. I know Tbol is mild and I do have some Winstrol on hand, but I would like to take longer stints between oral steroids for the purposes of liver health. Hence, I am interested in possibly combining Test and Deca in a low dose like I know Dylan is so fond of. My Test is dosed at 200mg/ml and the Deca in mind (Pharmalady) is dosed at 300mg/ml. I have heard several opinions regarding the ratio between the two- that it is best to keep them the same, keep Test higher, keep Deca higher, etc...I am not interested in blowing up like a water balloon or going balls deep with a compound I am new to. So far, the simplest and safest way to do this would be-
Week 1-12 200mg Test/week (100mg twice a week)
Week 1-10 225mg Deca/week (.75ml dosed once a week)
Week 1-18 12.5mg Aromasin EOD or E3D as needed
Week 15-18 PCT (Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 50/50/25/25) -could also extend to 6 weeks?
Do you think it would be more worthwhile to add slightly higher Test by just pulling a bit extra past the .5ML line in this case, or perhaps running the full 300mg Deca with 200mg Test, or does it look about right as is? I would have Caber on hand in case sides start to show. Also, I know that Deca is more suppressive, so I would be more cautious and use HCG, though it would be my first time using it, and I am not sure if it would be best to run the entire 12 weeks or just the last few leading into PCT. Thanks for any input!
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