exactly man... the age old question... which proves you literally know NOTHING about bodybuilding... you and i know both know damn well how much more difficult it is to do absolutely perfect form, with 80-85% of your max in the ten rep range and then to do it continuously throughout... THATS how you get stronger, build muscles etc... not jerking your back up so fucking high it looks like your attempting a high jump at the Olympics to lift one rep... yeah, that proves a lot... it proves you don't know jack shit about any of this... you don't see too many guys with bad ass physiques lifting like morons... fuck, i see jay cutler at my gym curling 40 and 50 pound curl bars until he can't go anymore, then jumping up the weight but nothing crazy that would even coincide with his size, but obviously there's a reason behind it... i always try to lift heavy and do the most possible to grow but not try to get stupid with it either... that's how you get injured, develop arthritis and inflammation and also just set yourself back and basically waste a good gym session... EVERY day in the gym is a day to improve at least one thing...