
deca durabolin for women


New member
Greeting! First let me say that my English is not the best, so I hope you'll understand me. I'm 28 years old, I am a mother of two children. I train for two and a half years of very demanding training, crossfit workouts, food is excellent. All my skills trainers want to strengthen, improve and I want to answer my question on the use of Deca Durabolin for women. Why Deca Durabolin, Deca Durabolin since only be found in pharmacies. I wish I could buy Primobolan, but does it in a aporeci on the black market, I would never have bought it, because it sells anything.
As far as i know women could use Deca. But be careful, once you get side effects they are mostly permanent for women.You dont want to ruin your life with only 28 years of age and two children. If you dose too high they will start to call you daddy.
I want to be cautious and do not want to destroy. I'll think about whether it is worthwhile to start taking steroids or not. But think about the cycle of 4 weeks, 50 mg per week to see how my body will react.
you should NEVER NEVER use deca as a female... that is nothing i would recommend, even if you paid me a million dollars... i have no clue what you would ever even consider that... sarms and anavar are generally all i recommend for women but at times, winstrol and primobolan as well... thats it, period... anything beyond that, you are going to have to get someone else to recommend it because i know that it could severely do damage to you running other things and im certainly not contributing to that...
Deca is not a steroid I would ever recommend to a female. Anavar, winstrol, EQ, and primo are the only steroids I think a woman should consider to take, and sarms are honestly the safest effctive alternative for females.
That's why I wonder if I made a mistake. I asked about the deca, because only deca there at the pharmacy and I was wondering your opinion. If I can get to Primobolan, it would take Primobolan. If I'm not able to find Primobolan through pharmacies, then I will not take anything. Thank you all for your reply. Please note that I do not know well english and I hope you understand what I write. :)
That's why I wonder if I made a mistake. I asked about the deca, because only deca there at the pharmacy and I was wondering your opinion. If I can get to Primobolan, it would take Primobolan. If I'm not able to find Primobolan through pharmacies, then I will not take anything. Thank you all for your reply. Please note that I do not know well english and I hope you understand what I write. :)
why even use steroids??? you can use sarms and it would be amazing for you without any of the concerns... sarmsx ships worldwide with no problems whatsoever!!

if you are not familiar with sarms, start with articles here…

let me know and im happy to help you set up a sarms stack…
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