


New member
Hello I'm about to start my first ever cycle with dbol at 20mg a day for 2 weeks 40mg the next 2 weeks and 20mg a day the last 2 weeks using novadex as my pct and stacking test enthate 200 mg a week during the cycle what should the dosage of novadex be and how and when should I take aromasin. Thank you for your help!
Stop, stop, stop...

200 mg's of test a week? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Stats please...
Hello I'm about to start my first ever cycle with dbol at 20mg a day for 2 weeks 40mg the next 2 weeks and 20mg a day the last 2 weeks using novadex as my pct and stacking test enthate 200 mg a week during the cycle what should the dosage of novadex be and how and when should I take aromasin. Thank you for your help!

bro, please do not start this cycle... you do not know what your doing whatsoever and your going to end up hurting yourself... that is not even close to a correct pct nor how to run it... why are you running dbol on a first cycle? your going to be filled with estrogen to begin all of this... not the best way to start... you dont know how to use aromasin, which is imperative when using dbol... nothing converts to estrogen more than dbol and then you have another steroid with test that also converts to estrogen... please just stop bro...

what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? goals?

Hello I'm about to start my first ever cycle with dbol at 20mg a day for 2 weeks 40mg the next 2 weeks and 20mg a day the last 2 weeks using novadex as my pct and stacking test enthate 200 mg a week during the cycle what should the dosage of novadex be and how and when should I take aromasin. Thank you for your help!

My stats age 18
Weight 175
Body fat 11 percent
My plan is to use dbol to bulk up as much as I can hopefully after 4 or 5 months be over 200 then cut to 9 percent body fat
My stats age 18
Weight 175
Body fat 11 percent
My plan is to use dbol to bulk up as much as I can hopefully after 4 or 5 months be over 200 then cut to 9 percent body fat

NO, NO, NO bro! Come one man! You are 18 years old! WAAAAAAAAAAY too young to use steroids at the moment. The only thing you need right now at your age is a good training program with the right diet, and that's it.nothing more.

At your age, your endocrine system is still developing, and you could potentially tidally do some long term damage to it by using steroids. There are other systems in your body still changing and developing as well, and it's strongly advised to wait until your mid 20s
My stats age 18
Weight 175
Body fat 11 percent
My plan is to use dbol to bulk up as much as I can hopefully after 4 or 5 months be over 200 then cut to 9 percent body fat

Not gonna get any advice on this board for use of anabolics @ 18 y.o.
Bro, at 18 and 175lbs you are already heading in the right direction do not ruin your self. Your natural test levels are peaking on its own right now as you grow so use that, eat alot of food and get good sleep and stay consistent ! The time will come soon enough where it makes sense to use certain compounds but not right now, wait til your mid to late 20s you will thank us later
I'm not sure... but I think he's saying he plans on using Dbol for 4-5 months !

plz..someone else clue him in cuz there is no way I can do it without screaming
AAS at 18yrs is just straight up reckless. If you want to fuck yourself up for life Dbol for 4-6 months will definitely do it.

18-25 yrs old and all you need is to train, eat properly and sleep. That's all you need and you'll make some great gains and build yourself a nice foundation.
I am new to this site, but it seems these threads are fairly regular, and i get the feeling that people create threads, then don't like what they hear, but then..... You know the rest
I am new to this site, but it seems these threads are fairly regular, and i get the feeling that people create threads, then don't like what they hear, but then..... You know the rest

That's exactly what happens man. We do our best to educate and inform, but people often won't be receptive or listen to the advice given. You know what they say about the fact that you can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink
Dude 18... cmon bro. You should be producing enough test naturally that just killing it in the gym and in the kitchen should make some huge gains for you. Your endocrine/hpta is not nearly finished developing and you're risking permanent shutdown among other issues by going on too early like this..
I am new to this site, but it seems these threads are fairly regular, and i get the feeling that people create threads, then don't like what they hear, but then..... You know the rest

You're right, they do it anyway. However NO ONE on this site will EVER contribute to a child using anabolics. Ever.

If they're going to do it, they're on their own.
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