You should be using an AI from the first day of the cycle in order to control estrogen. This way you will control the water retention and bloating. Hence the need for aromasin at 10 mgs EOD. Additionally it would be a very good idea to add there Cardarine GW in order to keep any bloating and water retention to the minimum, and add quality to the muscles. Remember, that with Dbol it is very hard to keep the gains after the cycle, and Cardarine GW will help you keep more of the gains.
Neither winstrol, nor test will reduce the water retention. What's more, test on the contrary will increase it, as it also aromatized into estrogen, so you will get even more bloating. As for the winny, unless you got a BF% under 12%, you won't notice too much of its effects, as it is mostly a cosmetic steroid.