Stats 5"7 height
Normally 206lbs but down to 185 working to 11 %for my bulk cycle
Bf 12%
Age 34
Training 8 years
Not on gear right now just mk677
Last cycle was test /deca 500/500
Aromasin ed at 25
Pct was isarms protocol
I wanted to run dbol with my next cycle of sustanon/deca/eq/proviron
1-5 dbol 20mg -30mg based off opinions I thought 20 cause I'm estrogen prone
So for the first 5 weeks I was thinking of running letro instead of my aromasin because dbol is very wet compound along with sustanon then after week 5 going back to aromasin at 25 ed .
I have never ran letro but was thinking of going this route cause i know I'm estrogen prone . For the most part on my cycles I have always kept estrogen in check at around 25 on cycle . But last cycle my pct estrogen went to 48 in pct blood work . Hence why I still feel I'm estrogen prone and have to run my ais fairly higher then a lot of guys .
Reason I want to try dbol is I love the way gear makes my mind feel the mental high is what I love and the gains are great . I have learned dbol can really make this shine when not ran crazy high .
Dbol 1-5 with letro eod was thinking 1ml
Sustanon 1-5 at 250ml then drop dbol
Sustanon 6-10 500mg
Test e 10-14 500 mg
Deca 1-14 400mg
Eq 1-14 600mg
Gw for a month
Mk677 the whole year
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Normally 206lbs but down to 185 working to 11 %for my bulk cycle
Bf 12%
Age 34
Training 8 years
Not on gear right now just mk677
Last cycle was test /deca 500/500
Aromasin ed at 25
Pct was isarms protocol
I wanted to run dbol with my next cycle of sustanon/deca/eq/proviron
1-5 dbol 20mg -30mg based off opinions I thought 20 cause I'm estrogen prone
So for the first 5 weeks I was thinking of running letro instead of my aromasin because dbol is very wet compound along with sustanon then after week 5 going back to aromasin at 25 ed .
I have never ran letro but was thinking of going this route cause i know I'm estrogen prone . For the most part on my cycles I have always kept estrogen in check at around 25 on cycle . But last cycle my pct estrogen went to 48 in pct blood work . Hence why I still feel I'm estrogen prone and have to run my ais fairly higher then a lot of guys .
Reason I want to try dbol is I love the way gear makes my mind feel the mental high is what I love and the gains are great . I have learned dbol can really make this shine when not ran crazy high .
Dbol 1-5 with letro eod was thinking 1ml
Sustanon 1-5 at 250ml then drop dbol
Sustanon 6-10 500mg
Test e 10-14 500 mg
Deca 1-14 400mg
Eq 1-14 600mg
Gw for a month
Mk677 the whole year
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk