100% wrong. Also what the hell is anti-E extreme? Test only first cycle always. Dbol will give you water gains by the gallons and leave you with no Gains. At your BF and weight you haven't gotten to a good enough point naturally and need to trim down at least 3% and put on about 10-15lbs of lean mass before you think about using AAS. Your diet has to need cleaning up unless there is some health issue that's keeping you from breaking 15%bf or your training needs work. Don't take offense as it may sound like we are just saying what you need to work on but that's the harsh reality of steroids and how dangerous and serious they are. Steroids are AIDS to building muscle man, they're not magic pills and you shouldn't depend on a steroid to make you big if you have all these other things to fix first. If you're not growing on 2700 cals with those macros then I'm guessing your training is in need of the most help.