
Cycle Questions, any Advice will help?!


New member
Hey guys new to this forum, came over here from so hopefully you guys can help me. I'm more into SARMS than anything else so this site strikes me right away. Ok here it is I'm going to be running a cutting cycle soon and want to ask you guys what you think of it. My first concern is do I have to take an AI like Aromasin or letro. I was going to run an OTC sip with Arimistane in it all through the cycle to help keep any possible estrogen sides to a minimal. Ok here's the stack below:

Nutrobal = 24 weeks @ 25 mg a day
Andarine = 8 weeks @ 50 mg a day then 4 weeks break then another 8 weeks at 50 mg a day
Gw = 12 weeks @ 20 mg a day then 4 week break then another 8 weeks at 20 mg a day

I have a bunch of extra supps hanging around so I was going to add them in. Here they are:
Pink magic = 8 weeks
Tribulus = 24 weeks
Anatropin = 8 weeks
Revolution pct = 8 weeks
Blue Up = 8 weeks

A lot of those extra supps are going to be pct as well and on cycle for the s4 and Gw. Just want to stay away from Serms or Ais.

Any input bros I'd greatly appreciate it!!
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