im not going to beat you up about your first cycle but what i am going to tell you is that while the 20lb. gain is impressive, considering your weight at your height, your still way underweight... what you did was grow too rapidly and your going to probably do it again with this cycle... your going to end up being quite sorry bro, because your going to cause far too enhanced growth on a body that has not reached anywhere near natural potential... your going to end up suffering frequent injuries, your going to really do a number on tendons, ligaments as well as bones and the likelihood of a future in running cycles is very low for you, not to mention running these type of compounds this early in your career as well as this frequently... ive seen this time and time again and people often do not listen and live in the moment thinking they are ok for the time being... yet they do not think nor understand about the ramifications of their future, which often ends up being far worse than expected... its up to you but im telling you, your not going to like how this turns out