Hi Dylan Sir
I saw your video of Deca Durabolin 3 weeks back
A week back i started this cycle
The cycle goes like this
1-12 Deca 400 mg
1-12 Test E 500 mg
1-4 Anadrol 50 mg
1-12 Lgd 4033 10 mg per day
1-12 Aridimex 0.5 eod
1-12 Caber every 3 days
I am just following your Videos only
My goal is to gain 30 lbs from this cycle coz my weight is 82 kgs and i want to touch 98 kgs
Now the confusion is with test E
Should i run test E 500 mg or 400 mg
If 400 mg then it will go like 400 test e 400 deca is that fine???
But my test e comes in 250mg/1ml
But Test sustanon comes with 400 mg/ml
Then i can replace test e with test sustanon
Need your help
I am from kashmir,We dont have Proper trainners n Nutrationist here
I dont want to anything wrong
Just need your help
I saw your video of Deca Durabolin 3 weeks back
A week back i started this cycle
The cycle goes like this
1-12 Deca 400 mg
1-12 Test E 500 mg
1-4 Anadrol 50 mg
1-12 Lgd 4033 10 mg per day
1-12 Aridimex 0.5 eod
1-12 Caber every 3 days
I am just following your Videos only
My goal is to gain 30 lbs from this cycle coz my weight is 82 kgs and i want to touch 98 kgs
Now the confusion is with test E
Should i run test E 500 mg or 400 mg
If 400 mg then it will go like 400 test e 400 deca is that fine???
But my test e comes in 250mg/1ml
But Test sustanon comes with 400 mg/ml
Then i can replace test e with test sustanon
Need your help
I am from kashmir,We dont have Proper trainners n Nutrationist here
I dont want to anything wrong
Just need your help