
cycle help


New member

You and I have had a few good exchanges on there in the comment section. I first want to say thank you for all of your work on here. It has been a huge help. I am 42 years old and am currently on TRT at 125-150 mg per week. I feel amazing after 4 months of this. I am going to blast and cruise but I am not looking for huge gains. I train mostly MMA but I do lift at least 3-4 days a week, just not really heavy. Here is my questions; I plan to blast at only 250 mg of test with 150 mg of deca per week. I know this is a low dose but again I am not looking to add much mass. Mainly I am trying to add some strength & conditioning and the deca is mostly for joints etc. Being 42 I do feel things more than I used to and am training 5-6 days a week pretty hard core. What I want to know is if running this for 12-16 weeks is good and also, since dose is so low can I begin running the caber at around week 3 or 4 at .25 mg every 3 days? Based on what I have seen from you in the past I feel this would be safe and caber is not cheap to get. I just don't want to waste if it isn't needed and at such a low dose, I feel that should be suffice but I'd like to know from you. Also, I will run my Aromasin right from the start. I only will be using 12.5 mg every 3 days due to the test and deca dose being as low as it is. I haven't seen any sides from estrogen with my TRT so I don't think I am sensitive to it. Does that seem OK to you as well?

I realize you get a ton of questions so I will patiently wait to hear back. Once again thank you for all your help so far and I appreciate any feedback you can provide. Take care brother!
Hi bro...your test/Deca doses are great for a first blast is grenerally recommended to wait 1 year for your TRT to stabalize before beginning your first blast
You will definitely be making great gains during this time
I personally made nice gains for 10 years on my TRT before ever blasting
Great thank you. I have done a couple of low dose cycles before and I've actually been on TRT over 6 months. I was a little off on my previous estimate. I can definitely wait a while before I do a blast that's not an issue. Thanks again for your feedback I appreciate it. Take care
hey bro... basically every cruise i do has deca at 150... i would probably go with 200 here and keep test right there with it at 200-250 since you are going to blast... you need to do pre, mid and post cycle bloods to gauge what you need for estrogen and prolactin because generally at those doses you should be fine but thats not a guarantee... also, watch my video on sarms and trt... they fit so perfectly here with your goals and to be safe... watch the video and let me know and i could help you with a cycle set up...
Awesome brother I'll do that. Thanks again for all your help. Love the forum I look forward to utilizing it and contributing. Take care!
Awesome brother I'll do that. Thanks again for all your help. Love the forum I look forward to utilizing it and contributing. Take care!
you are very welcome... take a look and just let me know.. i'll optimize this to the highest yet safest extent for you
OK Dylan I watched and am definitely interested in SARMS to incorporate with my TRT. I would be most interested in strength & endurance as well as cutting. I am 5' 8" 187 right now and don't want to exceed 190-195 lbs because I will be fighting at 185 so the need to drop very much weight isn't something I want. Please advise me as to what would be best and how to acquire. Thank you brother!
OK Dylan I watched and am definitely interested in SARMS to incorporate with my TRT. I would be most interested in strength & endurance as well as cutting. I am 5' 8" 187 right now and don't want to exceed 190-195 lbs because I will be fighting at 185 so the need to drop very much weight isn't something I want. Please advise me as to what would be best and how to acquire. Thank you brother!
i have the PERFECT stack for you brother... here is the link to the discount page to order everything followed by the layout.. .

1-12 test cyp 150 mg week
1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
i have the PERFECT stack for you brother... here is the link to the discount page to order everything followed by the layout.. .

1-12 test cyp 150 mg week
1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…

Perfect stack for you right here bro. I'm sure you'll love the effcts from that
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